Treasury Department officials are working overtime to complete several multi-year tax regulatory projects before handing authority over to the new Biden Administration. These rules largely relate to the implementation of the Trump Administration’s signature legislative accomplishment, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
- The recently finalized regulations address carried interest and the deductibility of business interest.
- The IRS on Dec. 29 issued a final revenue procedure (Rev. Proc. 2021-9) creating a safe harbor for senior housing to qualify for an exception to the new limitation on the deductibility of business interest. The statutory exception is available to a “real property trade or business.” Uncertainty regarding whether an assisted living facility would qualify as a real property trade or business has hung over the senior housing industry since the legislation’s enactment. The new revenue procedure puts those lingering concerns to rest and clarifies that senior housing qualifies for the exception, as long as certain requirements are met.
- In addition, Treasury released supplemental, final regulations on the deductibility of business interest this week. The rules address changes made in the CARES Act, as well certain transition relief for partnerships (T.D. 9943)
- The long-awaited carried interest final regulations implement the new three-year holding period requirement for carried interest to qualify for the long-term capital gains preference (T.D. 9945).
- The final carried interest regulations address several comments submitted by The Real Estate Roundtable. Roundtable comments aimed to ensure the rules are consistent with legislative intent of the provision (Oct. 5, 2020 comment letter).
- Specific improvements in the final carried interest rules provide greater flexibility for a general partner to finance an equity interest in a partnership with a loan from other partners in the partnership. The final rules also clarify that the three-year holding period does not override other provisions of the tax code that treat certain transactions as nontaxable events.
- Proposed regulations still outstanding include tax rules related to the transition away from LIBOR as a reference rate in mortgages and other financial contracts (Roundtable Weekly, Oct. 11, 2019).
The Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) will discuss these regulatory efforts in detail on January 27 in conjunction with The Roundtable’s State of the Industry Meeting (all virtual).
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