President Biden Proposes New Housing Incentives, Increased Taxes on Wealthy Individuals and Public Corporations

President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last night included proposals to levy a 25 percent minimum tax on wealthy individuals, increase the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28 percent, and raise the alternative minimum tax on large corporations from 15 to 21 percent. He also called on Congress to pass legislation to support the construction or rehabilitation of more than 2 million homes and rolled out new tax incentives for homebuyers. (Biden’s Remarks | White House Fact Sheets on Taxes and Housing, March 7)

Proposed Tax Increases

  • Biden proposed to levy a 25 percent minimum tax on those with wealth of more than $100 million. He committed to not raising taxes on those making $400,000 or less while heavily criticizing the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) as a $2 trillion giveaway to high-income households and corporations. (Tax Policy Center | Forbes, March 8)
  • Most of the Biden tax agenda is carried over from his prior budgets and includes provisions that he was unable to pass when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress. While not detailed in his speech, the White House’s upcoming 2025 budget could include past proposals to raise taxes on real estate like-kind exchanges and carried interest income. (Roundtable Weekly, March 10, 2023)
  • Many provisions from the 2017 tax bill will expire at the end of 2025, including the 20 percent deduction for pass-through business income, the cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes, and the reduction in the top individual tax rate from 39.6 to 37 percent. The approaching expiration of the individual provisions creates a tax “cliff” that is likely to drive tax negotiations next year.

Housing Plan

Real Estate coalition  response to President Biden's SOTU housing proposals.
Real estate coalition response to President Biden’s SOTU housing proposals.
  • The White House’s Fact Sheet on housing describes the administration’s plans to establish new tax credits for first-time homebuyers and individuals who sell their starter homes. The tax credit for home sellers seeks to address the “lock-in” effect associated with current high interest rates.The president would also increase spending on affordable housing by Federal Home Loan Banks. (PoliticoPro and White House Fact Sheet on Housing, March 7)
  • The White House Fact Sheet also includes an expansion of the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) to support an additional 1.2 million affordable rental units and a new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit to encourage the construction or preservation of over 400,000 affordable, owner-occupied homes. Bipartisan legislation to expand LIHTC passed the House in January and is pending in the Senate.
  • The National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and nine industry groups responded to the negative aspects of Biden’s housing plan. A coalition letter explained how proposals to limit fee for service arrangements would hurt renters by undermining the administration’s objectives of lowering housing costs, driving new housing development, and creating more affordable rental housing. President Biden has also supported Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission investigations into rental rate fixing—investigations that many in the industry believe are highly questionable. (NMHC statement and real estate coalition letter, March 7)

Funding Watch

  • After the House passed a spending package this week to fund several federal agencies through September, the Senate has until midnight tonight to pass the bill and avoid a partial government shutdown.
  • Approval from all 100 senators is necessary to fast track the process. The consideration of multiple amendments could delay a final vote until Saturday, necessitating a temporary funding extension to avoid disruption and get the final bill to President Biden for his signature. (The Hill, March 8)

The next government funding deadline is March 22, which requires a new spending package to fund the Pentagon, Health and Human Services, Labor, and other agencies. Policymakers agreed on this two-tiered stopgap funding plan (March 8 and 22) to buy time to negotiate a full-year appropriations bill. (Roundtable Weekly, March 1)

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House Republicans Reintroduce Bill to Make TCJA Deductions and SALT Cap Permanent

House Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL)Tax provisions affecting individuals and small businesses originally enacted as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017—along with the state and local tax (SALT) deduction cap—would be made permanent under legislation reintroduced this month by House Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL), above. (The Bond Buyer, Feb. 13 and Legislative Text)

The TCJA Permanency Act

  • Buchanan’s bill (H.R.976) includes a Roundtable-supported provision to make permanent the 20 percent deduction for qualified pass-through business income (Section 199A). The legislation would also permanently lower tax rates for individuals and families and maintain the higher standard deduction.
  • There are currently 83 co-sponsors of The TCJA Permanency Act. Buchanan has led five of the six Ways and Means Subcommittees and currently sits on the Joint Committee on Taxation, a small group of the most senior tax policy writers in Congress. (Buchanan news release, Feb. 13)
  • Without Congressional action, 23 different provisions of the 2017 Republican tax law are set to expire after 2025, including the SALT deduction cap. Buchanan originally filed legislation to make the TCJA cuts permanent last September during the Democratic-controlled 117th Congress.
  • Buchanan stated that funding for the Federal Aviation Administration could be a legislative vehicle to attach the TCJA bill, since no major standalone tax bills are expected this year. (BGov, Feb. 23)

SALT Caucus Relaunched

SALT Caucus 2023

  • ​More than 20 members of the House relaunched the SALT Caucus this month as part of their push to repeal the $10,000 cap limit on the federal deduction for state and local taxes. (News conference video, Feb. 8 and Tax Notes, Feb. 9)
  • The cap is scheduled to sunset after 2025, but SALT caucus members want relief sooner while pledging to fight attempts to extend the cap. (Rep. Gottheimer news release, Feb. 9)
  • “I like the odds of having a bunch of new Republicans from states that need to restore SALT,” said SALT Caucus Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ). “So if you want to talk, this is the caucus to talk to to get this done, to restore SALT and make life more affordable.” (Roll Call, Feb. 8)

More than 30 states and local jurisdictions have enacted a SALT workaround for pass-through businesses, S-corporations, and some LLCs. (CNBC video Feb. 13)

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Bipartisan lawmakers unveil “Invest in America Act”

Legislation would spur American job creation and investment in U.S. communities, infrastructure and Opportunity Zones

(WASHINGTON, DC) — The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and The Real Estate Roundtable (RER) are pledging support for the “Invest in America Act” (H.R. 2210), which was unveiled yesterday afternoon by U.S. Reps. John Larson (D-CT) and Kenny Marchant (R-TX).
The legislation has the potential to create as many as 284,000 American jobs and attract as much as $125 billion in global investment in U.S. communities, which would support addressing America’s aging buildings and crumbling infrastructure. 
The legislation does so by repealing the “Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act” (FIRPTA). Originally enacted in 1980, FIRPTA is an arcane tax that deflects global capital from U.S. cities and towns by imposing a capital gains tax on global investors that finance any U.S. real property. Consequently, the law greatly inhibits state and local leaders from partnering with global investors—in addition to leveraging domestic partners—to improve their communities, including renovating aging buildings; constructing roads, bridges, tunnels, hospitals and airports; developing affordable housing; and utilizing new Opportunity Zones.
“Under current law, global investment is discouraged in the United States and investors are driven to other countries,” said AIA EVP/Chief Executive Officer Robert Ivy, FAIA. “This legislation will put the U.S. on equal footing in the competition for investment dollars, which can be put directly into American communities through partnerships with local and state governments. This will result in meaningful jobs not only for architects but other professionals in design and construction as well as manufacturing and service industries.”
A partial repeal of FIRPTA occurred in 2015 with passage of the “Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act.” Changes to the law increased global investment in U.S. cities of all sizes and locations by 33 percent, proving that a full repeal would have a significant benefit to many more state and local economies. 
“The FIRPTA regime is an anti-competitive outlier that deflects global capital to other countries,” said RER President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer. “Our infrastructure challenges demand a holistic approach and innovative solutions. Now is the time to build on the recent success of the 2015 reforms by eliminating FIRPTA outright and unlocking private capital for even more job growth and infrastructure improvements.”
Learn more about the legislation by visiting the Invest in America Coalition’s website.

Bipartisan lawmakers unveil “Invest in America Act

Legislation would spur American job creation and investment in U.S. communities, infrastructure and Opportunity Zones

(WASHINGTON, DC) — The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and The Real Estate Roundtable (RER) are pledging support for the “Invest in America Act” (H.R. 2210), which was unveiled yesterday afternoon by U.S. Reps. John Larson (D-CT) and Kenny Marchant (R-TX).
The legislation has the potential to create as many as 284,000 American jobs and attract as much as $125 billion in global investment in U.S. communities, which would support addressing America’s aging buildings and crumbling infrastructure. 
The legislation does so by repealing the “Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act” (FIRPTA). Originally enacted in 1980, FIRPTA is an arcane tax that deflects global capital from U.S. cities and towns by imposing a capital gains tax on global investors that finance any U.S. real property. Consequently, the law greatly inhibits state and local leaders from partnering with global investors—in addition to leveraging domestic partners—to improve their communities, including renovating aging buildings; constructing roads, bridges, tunnels, hospitals and airports; developing affordable housing; and utilizing new Opportunity Zones.
“Under current law, global investment is discouraged in the United States and investors are driven to other countries,” said AIA EVP/Chief Executive Officer Robert Ivy, FAIA. “This legislation will put the U.S. on equal footing in the competition for investment dollars, which can be put directly into American communities through partnerships with local and state governments. This will result in meaningful jobs not only for architects but other professionals in design and construction as well as manufacturing and service industries.”
A partial repeal of FIRPTA occurred in 2015 with passage of the “Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act.” Changes to the law increased global investment in U.S. cities of all sizes and locations by 33 percent, proving that a full repeal would have a significant benefit to many more state and local economies. 
“The FIRPTA regime is an anti-competitive outlier that deflects global capital to other countries,” said RER President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer. “Our infrastructure challenges demand a holistic approach and innovative solutions. Now is the time to build on the recent success of the 2015 reforms by eliminating FIRPTA outright and unlocking private capital for even more job growth and infrastructure improvements.”
Learn more about the legislation by visiting the Invest in America Coalition’s website.

Senate Democrats and House Republicans Urge Tax Policy Correction for Real Estate Improvements’ Cost Recovery Period

Two recent letters – one from 16 Democratic Senators to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and the other from 58 House Republicans to GOP leadership – urge policymakers to fix an unintentional drafting mistake in last year’s tax overhaul that mistakenly increased the cost recovery period for qualified improvement property (QIP).  (House LetterOct 2 and Senate Letter, Sept 24) 

The tax policy drafting error currently affects leasehold improvements, expenditures made to improve common spaces in shopping centers and office buildings, and other interior improvements to nonresidential structures.

  • The drafting error in the tax law has resulted in a significantly longer 39-year cost recovery period for new, qualified nonresidential interior improvements.  The original intent of Congress was to allow the immediate expensing of QIP – or provide a 20-year recovery period in the case of taxpayers electing out of new limitations on the deductibility of business interest.  
  • The mistake currently affects leasehold improvements, expenditures made to improve common spaces in shopping centers and office buildings, and other interior improvements to nonresidential structures.  The current, longer cost recovery period effectively increases the after-tax cost of upgrading and improving commercial real estate.  (“Correcting the Drafting Error Involving the Expensing of Qualified Improvement Property” – The Tax Foundation , May 30)     
  • In Monday’s joint letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), 58 House Republican members state, “While they wait for Congress to act to correct this error, these businesses are forgoing renovations, halting plans to revitalize declining malls, and placing safety improvements on hold.  Not only does this hurt restaurants and retailers, but also the businesses involved in the planning and renovations, and ultimately our communities.  
  • This week’s House letter urges GOP leadership to address the QIP investment drafting error via legislation, while also recommending that Treasury should issue interim guidance while refraining from enforcing the drafting error.  

    Congress could address the issue during the lame duck congressional session between the mid-term election and January.

  • In the Sept. 24 joint letter to Secretary Mnuchin, 16 Senate Democrats address the need for a QIP correction, stating: “Improper implementation of this portion of the 2017 law would cause disruption to a wide range of industries, including the nation’s retail, restaurant and commercial property industries. Given this, and the potential for considerable harm to local economies, we believe it would be prudent for Treasury to address this issue and its interpretation through guidance.” 
  • The Real Estate Roundtable and a broad-based business coalition urged Secretary Mnuchin in August to issue guidance clarifying certain provisions included in tax overhaul legislation enacted last year – including the cost recovery period for qualified improvement property. (Coalition letter, Aug. 22) 
  • Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer stated, “In 2015, Congress voted overwhelmingly to permanently extend the 15-year recovery period for certain property improvements.  By passing tax reform, Congress intended to consolidate those changes.  Treasury should now use its authority to provide taxpayers with relief until a technical corrections bill is enacted.  Treasury guidance will remove taxpayer uncertainty, unlock investment, and spur job-creating property upgrades and renovations.”  (Roundtable Weekly, Aug. 24)

Congress could address the issue during the lame duck congressional session between the mid-term election and January. A number of tax issues are outstanding, including tax reform technical corrections and expired tax provisions.


Senate GOP Taxwriters Request Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to Clarify Cost Recovery Period for Real Estate Improvements

Senate Finance Committee Republicans yesterday sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Acting IRS Commissioner David Kautter requesting clarifications to the tax overhaul legislation enacted last year – including guidance related to a drafting error that unintentionally pushed the cost recovery period for qualified property improvements (QIP) from 15 to 39 years. (The Hill, Aug. 16)

The August 16 letter, signed by all Republican members of the Finance Committee and Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), urges Treasury and the IRS to “issue guidance that is consistent with the congressional intent” of the new tax law regarding QIP expensing and two other tax policy areas

  • The unintentional drafting mistake has resulted in a longer cost recovery period for qualified nonresidential interior improvements – a category that previously covered leasehold improvements, retail improvements, and new restaurant construction.  (” Correcting the Drafting Error Involving the Expensing of Qualified Improvement Property” – The Tax Foundation, May 30) 
  • As a result of the mistake, businesses across the country are delaying, or significantly reducing, capital expenditures for building improvements, undermining job creation and economic activity.  
  • The August 16 letter, signed by all Republican members of the Finance Committee and Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), urges Treasury and the IRS to “issue guidance that is consistent with the congressional intent” of the new tax law regarding QIP expensing and two other tax policy areas. 
  • On the depreciation of real property, the letter notes: “[I]n eliminating the separate definitions of qualified leasehold improvement, qualified restaurant, and qualified retail improvement property and providing a new single definition of qualified improvement property, the language…failed to designate qualified improvement property as 15-year property under the modified accelerated cost recovery system (“MACRS”).  In addition, there is a typographical error in a cross-reference identifying qualified improvement property as property which is recovered over 20 years under the alternative depreciation system (“ADS”).  Congressional intent was to provide a 15-year MACRS recovery period and a 20-year ADS recovery period for qualified improvement property. Such intent is set forth in the Conference Report to accompany (the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ).” ( H.R. Rep. 115-466, at p. 366).”  
  • During a February hearing in the House, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin testified about the QIP issue: “I am aware of the error and it obviously was unintended. We are looking at whether there is anything we can do with regulations. I think it is likely that this is something that may need to be fixed in the bill. We look forward to working with you.” (Ways and Means Committee – Mnuchin’s testimony and hearing video and Roundtable Weekly, June 1) 
  • The letter, signed by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and other GOP tax writers, states they will also introduce legislation to correct unintentional mistakes in the new tax, although support from Democrats would be needed to pass such a bill.  An amendment (# 3597) introduced July 26 by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) to an appropriations bill (H.R. 6147) would have corrected the QIP drafting error, but did not receive a vote.  

The letter also notes that the Finance Committee continues to review the law for potential areas that may require regulatory guidance or technical corrections: “After this review, we intend to introduce technical corrections legislation to address any items identified.”  (Senate Finance Committee News Release, Aug. 16)

Ways & Means Launches Hearings on Impact of Tax Reforms; Top Treasury Official Outlines Timeline for Implementation Guidance

The House Ways and Means Committee this week held the first in a series of hearings on how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is affecting job creation and the economy five months after its enactment.

House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) in his  opening statement offered a list of favorable economic statistics and projections that he said are attributable to the new law

Treasury Assistant Secretary Sketches Timetable for Regulations Implementing Tax Reform 
Certain provisions of the TCJA of interest to commercial real estate could be addressed in upcoming IRS guidance or in a congressional technical corrections bill.

  • Acting IRS Commissioner David Kautter on May 12 said that Treasury and the IRS hope to complete proposed regulations on section 199A passthrough deduction by mid- to late-July. (Tax Notes, May 15, “Kautter Talks Timelines for TCJA Guidance Projects” and Roundtable Weekly, May 4).
  • Kautter added that the target date for a notice of proposed rulemaking on section 163(j) business interest deduction limitation is late summer or early fall. (Roundtable Weekly, April 6).)
  • Natalie Tucker, legislation tax accountant at the Joint Committee on Taxation, recently  said that the cost-recovery period for qualified improvement property rises to the level of consideration for a “technical correction.”  While Congress was formulating the TCJA, a new category—qualified improvement property—wasn’t assigned a cost-recovery period, and fell to the 39-year period by default, rather than the intended 15-year period.  That was not the intent of Congress and therefore qualifies for inclusion in a technical corrections bill, according to Tucker.  (Bloomberg Law, May 11, “Agreement Reached on Three ‘True’ Technical Corrections”)

Along with TCJA rulemaking and implementation, the legislation’s impact on CRE will be a focus of discussion at The Roundtable’s Annual Business Meeting and Policy Advisory Committee Meetings on June 14-15 in Washington, DC.

New Reports Measure Impact of Tax Reform on Real Estate Investment and CRE’s Impact on National, State Economies

Tax reform enacted late last year will cause investment in nonresidential structures to increase by an average of more than $23 billion from 2019-2028, and rise nearly $10 billion this year alone, according to new projections released Monday by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).  (The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028, April 9)

CBO chartEffects of the 2017 Tax Act on Investment Through Changes in Incentives affecting Nonresidential and Residential Structures. Click to Enlarge— Page 119 of  full CBO Report

The new report isolates and analyzes the impact of recent tax reform legislation on different types of economic activity, including investment in structures. 

Tax reform’s positive impact on nonresidential investment stems from the corporate and individual rate reductions, as well as the new pass-through deduction.  Combined, these changes reduce the user cost of capital.  Cost recovery rules for structures were largely unchanged in the recent tax policy changes.

CBO projects tax reform will have a dampening effect on investment in residential housing: -$9 billion in 2018, and an average of -$13 billion annually from 2019-2028.  These numbers reflect the combined, net effect of a reduction in investment in owner-occupied housing and an increase in investment in rental housing.  Limitations on the deductibility of property taxes and mortgage interest are putting downward pressure on investment in owner-occupied housing.  Rental property investment, in contrast, benefits from the same tax reforms that affect nonresidential investment. 

As a nonpartisan arm of Congress, CBO’s annual economic and budget outlook is widely watched by the private sector for indications of how recent policy changes are affecting the overall economy.

CBO: Trillion Dollar Deficits by 2020

According to the report, borrowing to fund tax cuts and increased spending will also send deficits soaring past $1 trillion in the coming years and increase the overall debt burden to 96 percent of GDP by 2028.  (The Hill, April 9)

Under the  recent $1.3 trillion spending agreement, defense and non-defense spending will increase by nearly $300 billion over the next two years.  (Roundtable Weekly, March 23)

Although economic growth is projected by CBO to rise to 3.3 percent in 2018 – much higher than the 2.6 percent recorded last year – the estimated growth rate will decrease to 2.4 percent in 2019, followed by a drop to an average of just over 1.7 percent for the subsequent eight years of the ten-year budget period.  (The Washington Post, April 10)

Deficits are also forecast to climb dramatically.  CBO anticipates a deficit of $804 billion in 2018 (43 percent higher than it projected just last June, prior to the tax bill and spending agreement).  The amount of debt held by the public will approach 100 percent of GDP over the next ten years, an amount far greater than any period since World War II.  (CNN, April 11)

NAIOP: Building Accounts for 18.0 % of National Economic Activity in 2017

According to the   NAIOP report , combining residential and nonresidential buildings,  as well as infrastructure, the total impact of construction spending (direct, indirect and induced) – accounted for 18.0 percent of all the nation’s economic activity in 2017. 

In related news, a report recently published by the NAIOP Research Foundation shows that commercial real estate in 2017 supported 7.6 million American jobs and contributed $935.1 billion to the nation’s GDP.  (Economic Impacts of Commercial Real Estate, 2018 Edition, NAIOP)

The annual study, authored by economist Stephen S. Fuller, Ph.D, measures the contributions to GDP, salaries and wages generated, and jobs created and supported from the development and operations of commercial real estate – and includes detailed data on commercial real estate development activity in all 50 states. 

According to the study, combining residential and nonresidential buildings (warehouse/industrial, office, retail, health care, entertainment, education, public safety, religious and lodging) – as well as infrastructure for water, sewer, highways and power, the total impact of construction spending (direct, indirect and induced) — accounted for 18.0 percent of all the nation’s economic activity in 2017.

“The importance of commercial development to the U.S. economy is well established, and the industry’s growth is critical to creating new jobs, improving infrastructure, and creating places to work, shop and play,” said Thomas Bisacquino, NAIOP president and CEO.  (NAIOP news release).

CRE as a driving force of national economic growth, as well as tax reform’s impact on the industry, will be a focus of The Roundtable’s April 25, 2018 Spring Meeting, which will feature  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other key policymakers.

Treasury Releases Guidance on New Business Interest Deduction Limit, but Questions for Real Estate Investment Remain

On Monday, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2018-28, which provides guidance on the new limitation on the deductibility of business interest, (Section 163(j)), enacted in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

In the Feb. 21 letter the Roundtable asked Treasury to clarify     that interest on debt incurred by an owner to fund an investment in a partnership or other entity engaged in a real property trade or business, constitutes interest on debt properly allocable to that real estate business 

The Notice focuses on interest expense carryforwards from prior years, corporate interest deductions, and consolidated corporate groups, while leaving unresolved certain key questions for real estate investors.  Taxpayers can rely on the guidance at least until proposed regulations are issued.

In general, for taxpayers with revenue over $25 million, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act capped the amount of business interest that a business can deduct annually to no more than 30 percent of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.  The provision includes several exceptions, including an exception critical to real estate for an “electing real property trade or business.”  

Notice 2018-28 addresses a concern that partners in partnerships could effectively double-count certain interest income when calculating the limitation on partner-level borrowing.  Other highlights of the Notice include:

  • Carryforward of interest expense.  The Notice states that forthcoming regulations will allow taxpayers with disqualified interest under the old law to carry forward such interest as business interest under the new law.  Such interest could be disallowed under the new limitation in the same manner as any other business interest. 

  • Corporate business interest.  The Notice clarifies that interest paid by a C corporation is business interest for purposes of the interest limit.  Forthcoming regulations will address whether and when interest paid by a partnership, including a partnership with a corporate partner, should be treated as business interest for the corporate partner. 

  • Consolidated groups.  The Notice confirms that the business interest limit properly applies at the level of a consolidated group.  Forthcoming regulations will address how the interest limit applies to a consolidated group when one of the members is an electing real property trade or business, and to a consolidated group in which a member holds an interest in a partnership that is engaged in a real property trade or business.

  • Earnings and profits.  The Notice clarifies that a disallowed business interest deduction will not affect whether or when the interest expense reduces a C corporation’s earnings and profits.

For real estate investors, however, the Notice leaves unanswered some of the key issues related to the financing of real estate.  For example, The Real Estate Roundtable has asked Treasury to clarify that interest on debt incurred by an owner to fund an investment in a partnership or other entity engaged in a real property trade or business, constitutes interest on debt properly allocable to that real estate business (Comment Letter, Feb 23; Roundtable Weekly, Feb. 23).

The Treasury Department and the IRS are expected to issue additional guidance and regulations in the future, and request comments on the rules described in the notice and what additional guidance should be issued to assist in computing the business interest expense limitation under Section 163(j). (IRS, April 2)

Depending on the outcome of the rule-making process, the new limitation on business interest expense (Section 163(j)) could have significant implications for real estate markets and the financing of real estate transactions.  Clarifying the rules for real estate in the context of tiered arrangements will help avoid potential disruptions.

The Roundtable and TPAC will continue to play an active role in seeking appropriate clarifications affecting the most significant changes to the tax code.

Passage of Tax Legislation Will Boost Capital Investment and Job Creation

Taxation of Commercial Real Estate Development and Ownership
Will Continue on Economic Basis

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Real Estate Roundtable President and Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey DeBoer today applauded congressional policymakers on passage of the most significant tax legislation in more than three decades (H.R. 1).  DeBoer stated:

“By reducing barriers to private sector capital formation and business investment, the tax overhaul legislation passed by the House and Senate this week will boost economic demand and job growth.

As this landmark tax bill heads to President Trump for his signature, The Real Estate Roundtable recognizes the diligent efforts of policymakers on Capitol Hill and in the White House to see this legislation through to the finish line.

Enactment of the bill will ensure that U.S. commercial real estate development and ownership will continue to be in line with the  underlying economics of real estate assets and transactions, thereby avoiding economic distortions. 

By strengthening the overall economy and spurring broad-based growth, this tax bill will allow commercial real estate to continue its role as a principal driver of economic growth and job creation.  The legislation will also allow our industry to put more people to work modernizing and improving existing properties such as office buildings, shopping centers, apartments and industrial properties. These investments will in turn support the industry’s efforts to meet the changing and growing needs of American businesses and consumers.

H.R. 1 also decreases the tax burden on all job-creating business entities, not only C corporations.  By promoting entrepreneurship and productive risk-taking at all business levels, these legislative changes will help accelerate economic growth, lift wages and create jobs.

The Roundtable plans to monitor the economic consequences of this historic tax legislation and provide industry metrics to relevant government agencies as they draft interpretative regulations in 2018.”

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