Roundtable Analysis and Summary of The American Rescue Plan

March 6, 2021 – Senate Democrats passed an amended, $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package, The American Rescue Plan – that has now been sent back to the House for final passage before current unemployment benefits expire March 14. 

See The Roundtable’s document — “Summary and Analysis of Key Economic Provisions in The American Rescue Plan.”

February 27, 2021 – The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. 1319) was passed by the House of Representatives is a $195 trillion COVID-19 relief package that provides $638 billion in tax cuts, offset by $45 billion in tax increases, and represents over 2% of GDP in 2021.


Federal Judge Rules CDC’s Tenant Eviction Ban is Unconstitutional; Justice Department Vows Appeal

Campus sign for U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

A national eviction moratorium issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is unconstitutional, according to a Feb. 25 ruling by a federal judge in Texas. The ruling does not address similar state-level bans, but raises key questions on the extent of the federal government’s power to prevent residential tenant evictions during the pandemic. (National Multifamily Housing Council and GlobeSt, Feb. 26)

  • The federal eviction moratorium – first enacted by Congress almost a year ago in the CARES Act, and since extended by both the Trump and Biden Administrations by executive orders, currently expires on March 31.
  • Biden might further prolong the CDC’s eviction ban though another executive order. (Washington Post and NBC News, Feb. 26)  The $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill passed by the House last week and pending before the Senate does not include a federal eviction ban due to procedures moving the package through “reconciliation” rules. (CNBC, March 2.)
  • In striking the CDC’s action, Judge J. Campbell Barker of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas ruled in favor of an individual landlord and six property management companies that claimed the moratorium exceeds the federal government’s power to regulate “commerce” under Article I of the U.S. Constitution. (BGov, Feb. 25)
  • He wrote: “Here, the regulated activity is not the production or use of a commodity that is traded in an interstate market. Rather, the challenged order regulates property rights in buildings—specifically, whether an owner may regain possession of property from an inhabitant.” (Terkel v CDC, Feb. 25)
  • The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Feb. 27 announced it would appeal the decision. DOJ maintains the decision “does not extend beyond the particular plaintiffs in that case, and it does not prohibit the application of the CDC’s eviction moratorium to other parties. For other landlords who rent to covered persons, the CDC’s eviction moratorium remains in effect.” (DOJ statement, Feb. 27)

The Roundtable & Rental Assistance

Jeffrey DeBoer testimony on behalf of The Real Estate Roundtable

  • Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer testified during a Senate Banking Committee hearing last year that the CDC moratorium underscores the need for a dedicated fund to help impacted tenants meet their rent payments.
  • He also testified that shoring-up a reliable stream of rent payments also provides apartment owners with the revenue they need to pay their property taxes, utility bills, employ their own workers, and invest in their building assets to keep them running safely and efficiently. (DeBoer Written Testimony, Sept. 9, 2020)
  • In Dec. 2020, Congress passed omnibus legislation that provided $25 billion in rental assistance.  Last week, the House passed a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package that included an additional $19 billion for residential rental assistance through Sept. 30, 2027.  (See The Roundtable’s Summary and Analysis of Key Economic Provisions in The American Rescue Plan.)
  • The Wall Street Journal recently reported that small landlords who rely on rental income for their retirement are vulnerable to eviction bans – as millions of tenants are behind on rent, awaiting federal Covid-19 assistance. (WSJ, Feb. 26 and March 1)

Alston and Bird notes in an analysis of the Texas decision that “Absent a broad injunction, the decision has very limited effect. Nonetheless, the ultimate outcome of Terkel v. CDC could have important implications for other courts considering the scope of government action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – particularly if it is upheld on appeal or ultimately heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.” (Alston & Bird, March 1)

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New Bills Would Help Offset COVID-Prevention Workplace Expenses and Permanently Extend 20% Pass-Through Deduction; Industry Seeks Cost Recovery Transition Relief for Rental Housing

Downtown Houston, Texas

Two recently introduced legislative proposals supported by The Real Estate Roundtable would address issues important to commercial real estate. The Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit Act  would provide a new tax credit for business owners’ expenses associated with reducing the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace. The Main Street Tax Certainty Act would permanently extend the 20% pass-through business income deduction enacted in 2017.  Separately, a coalition of real estate organizations, including The Roundtable, urged Treasury this week to provide guidance allowing property owners to fully benefit from legislation enacted in December that clarified the cost recovery period for rental housing.

Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit

  • On March 2, Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) introduced the bipartisan Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit Act. (See one-page summary)
  • The bill includes several measures that would help businesses reopen safely, while ensuring employee and customer confidence, by providing:
    • a refundable tax credit against payroll taxes for 50 percent of the costs incurred by the business for COVID-19 testing, PPE, disinfecting, extra cleaning, reconfiguring workspaces, and employee education and training until the end of the year; and
    • an income tax credit for expenditures made to reconfigure work spaces last year (March 13, 2020- December 31, 2020)
  • Chip Rogers, president and CEO of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, stated, “The Healthy Workplace Tax Credit is critical legislation for industries like ours, to help offset these significant, but necessary operating costs at a time when hotel revenues remain down 40% or more across the country.” (Sen. Portman news release, March 2, 2021)
  • A broad business coalition, including The Real Estate Roundtable, urged Congress last July to pass a “healthy workplaces” tax credit as part of coronavirus relief. (Coalition letter,  July 16, 2020 and Roundtable Weekly  July 17, 2020).   Sen. Portman originally introduced a Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit bill on July 20, 2020.

20% Deduction for Pass-Through Business Income (Section 199A)

  • Last week, Members of Congress in both the House and Senate introduced legislation to extend permanently the 20 percent deduction for qualified pass-through business income permanent. The bills are strongly supported by more than 80 stakeholder groups, including The Real Estate Roundtable. (Rep Jason Smith news release, Feb. 26)
  • Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), and Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) introduced the Main Street Tax Certainty Act to support small businesses, help create jobs and strengthen the economy. Without congressional action, the deduction will expire at the end of 2025.
  • In a February 26 letter to the leadership of the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means committees, The Roundtable and other stakeholders stated that making the section 199A deduction permanent would provide certainty to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Tax Notes, March 1)

Real Estate Industry Requests Rental Housing Cost Recovery Guidance

  • On March 2 a coalition of real estate industry organizations requested the Treasury Department and IRS issue guidance that would allow taxpayers to automatically change their method of accounting in order to benefit from the technical correction to the rental housing recovery period that was in the end-of-year omnibus spending bill enacted in December (Roundtable Policy Alert, Dec 22, 2020)
  • The 2020 law clarified that properties placed in service before 2018 are eligible for the new 30-year cost recovery period under the Alternative Dispute System (ADS).
  • The industry letter was led by the National Multifamily Housing Council and joined by The Real Estate Roundtable, International Council of Shopping Centers, Nareit, and others.
  • The letter also requests transition relief that would allow real estate partnerships to file amended returns to opt out of the limitation of business interest deductibility now that the penalty for opting out is a 30-year cost recovery period, rather than the prior 40-year ADS recovery period.

The Roundtable and its Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) will continue to work with policymakers in Congress and regulatory agencies on the fair and equitable tax treatment of real estate.

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House Democrats Introduce Sweeping Climate Legislation Including Building Codes, Benchmarking and SEC Reporting Provisions

Capitol with evening sky
House Democrats on March 2 introduced a sprawling bill aimed at achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 with provisions regarding building construction, operations, and ESG reporting. (Politico, March 3 and CQ News, Reuters, March 2)

  • The 981-page Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act– 981-page measure is sponsored by House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ); Climate Change Subcommittee Chairman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush (D-IL), (BGov, March 3)
  • The House Committee noted provisions that would impact commercial and residential real estate. “The CLEAN Future Act improves the efficiency of new and existing buildings, as well as the equipment and appliances that operate within them. It establishes national energy savings targets for continued improvement of model building energy codes, leading to a requirement of zero-energy-ready buildings by 2030.” (Energy & Commerce Committee news release, March 2)
  • The CLEAN Future Act also proposes mandatory federal-level energy and water “benchmarking” requirements for buildings over 50,000 square feet. These provisions mimic dozens of existing state and local requirements that currently require building owners to track their assets’ energy and water usage and disclose this information to the public.
  • CLEAN Future Act reference:
  • The bill also directs the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require public companies to disclose in annual reports information about their “direct” and “indirect” GHG emissions, and corporate governance procedures to identify and manage climate-related risks. (Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, March 3)
  • Acting SEC Chair Allison Herren Lee recently issued a Climate Change Statement explaining, “[n]ow more than ever, investors are considering climate-related issues when making their investment decisions” and that it is the SEC’s “responsibility to ensure that they have access to material information when planning for their financial future.” (SEC statement, Feb. 24  and Gibson Dunn, March 1) 

While the measure will likely face substantial challenges to attract 60 votes in the evenly divided Senate, The Roundtable’s Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC) is conducting a detailed analysis of the CLEAN Future Act’s impacts on the real estate sector. 

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Roundtable’s Q1 Sentiment Index Shows CRE Execs Optimistic About Market Conditions

Q1-2021-Sentiment Index Graph - HomePage

Commercial real estate industry leaders continue to acknowledge the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on various asset classes, while expressing increased optimism about market conditions for the remainder of 2021, according to The Real Estate Roundtable’s Q1 2021 Economic Sentiment Index. The March 3 Index also reports on growth potential for the industrial and multifamily sectors, while hospitality and retail continue to face challenges due to government restrictions and health guidelines.

  • Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer stated, “Our Q1 index indicates that despite the extremely challenging past 12 months, industry leaders are optimistic that market conditions are trending in positive way. General supply and demand market balance, functioning capital markets, and low leverage – combined with increased vaccination efforts – have sparked the strong uptick in optimism. Of course all of this is threatened if vaccinations stall overall, or if national policymakers impose new tax or regulatory burdens on the industry.”
  • DeBoer also noted the positive role that real estate has played in combatting the pandemic. “Throughout the pandemic, real estate owners, managers, investors and lenders each have focused on mitigating the impact of the crisis on their residential and business tenants. The industry has restructured leases with tenants under stress, advocated for federal rental and other assistance, helped educate tenants on how to access relief, provided significant reforms to health-related building operational protocols, and issued detailed guidance to ensure safe and effective ways to re-enter buildings,” he said.
  • The Roundtable’s Q1 2021 Sentiment Index registered at 59 – a fifteen-point increase from the previous quarter.  [The Overall Index is scored on a scale of 1 to 100 by averaging Current and Future Indices; any score over 50 is viewed as positive.]. This quarter’s Current Conditions Index of 44 increased 17 points from the previous quarter, while this quarter’s Future Conditions Index of 74, is an increase of 13 points compared to last quarter. The last time the Future Conditions Index registered at 74 was Q3 2010.

    The report’s Topline Findings include: 

  • The Q1 2021 Real Estate Roundtable Sentiment Index registered a score of 59, an increase of 15 points from the fourth quarter of 2020. Respondents continued to express optimism about future conditions; however, the outlook is highly dependent upon asset class and portfolio mix.
  • The industrial and multifamily sectors were cited as having been the most resilient to the global pandemic, and best positioned to emerge successful in a post-pandemic environment. Retail and hospitality sectors continue to face challenges stemming from public health measures and government restrictions.
  • Low transaction volume has resulted in limited visibility into asset valuations over the past year. Among the trades that have occurred, industrial assets have seen their values increase, mirroring the market overall, while multifamily properties are trading at a slight discount to their pre-COVID values.
  • Capital flows within the real estate market are following the sector-specific impacts of the pandemic. Most respondents cited accessible capital markets for high quality assets, particularly in the industrial and multifamily spaces. However, out-of-favor property types and strategies with leasing and/or development exposure are finding it more difficult to secure institutional equity and financing. 

Data for the Q1 survey was gathered by Chicago-based FPL Associates on The Roundtable’s behalf.  For the full Q1 report, visit here and full news release.

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Senate Advances Pandemic Relief Package as President Biden Pushes Infrastructure Plan

White House with Washington monument in background

Senate Democrats this week advanced an amended, $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package that is expected to pass on a party-line vote – then sent back to the House for final passage before current unemployment benefits expire March 14. (Politico, March 4 and, actions on H.R. 1319 

  • President Biden, who has championed the COVID-19 legislation, agreed to changes in the package such as restrictions on the use of $350 billion in state and local funding to solidify Democratic support in the 50-50 Senate. (BGov, March 4 and text of the amended Senate bill)
  • CQ reported that financial allocations changes for states and local governments require federal assistance be used for specific purposes, including: 
    • Aid to households, small businesses or nonprofits, or aid to “impacted” industries like tourism, hospitality and travel;
    • Funding government services that reduced due to the pandemic-related hit to tax revenue;
    • “Necessary investments” in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure. 
  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said yesterday, “No matter how long it takes, the Senate is going to stay in session to finish the bill, this week.” (Politico, March 4).
  • Meanwhile, the White House push for a massive infrastructure bill was discussed on March 4 in a meeting with President Biden, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and a bipartisan group of House members led by Rep. Peter A. DeFazio (D-OR), chairman of the House Transportation Committee.  (Bloomberg, March 4)
  • Biden remarked at the start of the meeting, “We’re going to talk about infrastructure and American competitiveness and what we’re going to do to make sure that we once again lead the world across the board on infrastructure. It not only creates jobs but it makes us a helluva lot more competitive around the world.”  (White House, March 4)
  • The White House infrastructure plan is expected to emphasize climate change, but legislation has not been unveiled nor has its cost or methods to pay for the initiative. (Wall Street Journal, March 4)
  • The critical need for investing in modern and sustainable infrastructure was also the focus of a Feb. 11 White House meeting between Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Buttigieg and a bipartisan group of senators from the Environment and Public Works Committee. (Roundtable Weekly, Feb. 12)
  • In a December 16, 2020 letter, The Roundtable and 12 national real estate organizations provided detailed recommendationsto then President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris that included infrastructure funding and modernization as engines to drive recovery and job growth from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Roundtable is part of Build by the 4th coalition led by U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which encourages the Biden Administration and the new Congress to pass a comprehensive infrastructure deal by Independence Day 2021. 

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Q1 Survey: Commercial Real Estate Executives Express Optimism About Current and Future Market Conditions

Current Conditions Index Increases Seventeen Points from Previous Quarter

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — Commercial real estate industry leaders continue to acknowledge the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on various asset classes, while expressing increased optimism for both current and future market conditions for the remainder of 2021, according to The Real Estate Roundtable’s Q1 2021 Economic Sentiment Survey released today. The report outlined the potential for growth for the industrial and multifamily sectors, while hospitality and retail continue to face challenges due to government restrictions and health guidelines.

“Throughout the pandemic real estate owners, managers, investors and lenders each have focused on mitigating the impact of the crisis on their residential and business tenants,” said Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey D. DeBoer. “The industry has restructured leases with tenants under stress, advocated for federal rental and other assistance, helped educate tenants on how to access relief, provided significant reforms to health related building operational protocols, and issued detailed guidance to ensure safe and effective ways to re-enter buildings.” DeBoer added, “Our Q1 index indicates that despite the extremely challenging past 12 months, industry leaders are optimistic that conditions are trending in positive way. General supply and demand market balance, functioning capital markets, and low leverage, combined with increased vaccination efforts have sparked the strong uptick in optimism. Of course all of this is threatened to be reversed if vaccinations stall overall, or if national policymakers impose new tax or regulatory burdens on the industry.” 

The Roundtable’s Q1 2021 Sentiment Index registered at 59 – a fifteen-point increase from the previous quarter.  [The Overall Index is scored on a scale of 1 to 100 by averaging Current and Future Indices; any score over 50 is viewed as positive.]. This quarter’s Current Conditions Index of 44 increased 17 points from the previous quarter, while this quarter’s Future Conditions Index of 74, is an increase of 13 points compared to last quarter. The last time the Future Conditions Index registered at 74 was more than a decade ago in Q3 2010.

The report’s Topline Findings include:

  • The Q1 2021 Real Estate Roundtable Sentiment Index registered a score of 59, an increase of 15 points from the fourth quarter of 2020. Respondents continued to express optimism about future conditions; however, the outlook is highly dependent upon asset class and portfolio mix.
  • The industrial and multifamily sectors were cited as having been the most resilient to the global pandemic, and best positioned to emerge successful in a post-pandemic environment. Retail and hospitality sectors continue to face challenges stemming from public health measures and government restrictions.
  • Low transaction volume has resulted in limited visibility into asset valuations over the past year. Among the trades that have occurred, industrial assets have seen their values increase, mirroring the market overall, while multifamily properties are trading at a slight discount to their pre-COVID values.
  • Capital flows within the real estate market are following the sector-specific impacts of the pandemic. Most respondents cited accessible capital markets for high quality assets, particularly in the industrial and multifamily spaces. However, out-of-favor property types and strategies with leasing and/or development exposure are finding it more difficult to secure institutional equity and financing.

DeBoer noted, “The Roundtable remains committed to working with the Administration and Congress to advance bipartisan federal measures that will accelerate the economic recovery and strengthen our resiliency in the event of future pandemics or similar threats: provide direct relief to workers and families, rental assistance for both residential and business tenants, temporary tax incentives to offset the cost of critical health and safety measures implemented by employers, and legal liability safeguards for businesses that clearly define expectations and create much-needed certainty for employers to facilitate a return to work.” 

Data for the Q1 survey was gathered by Chicago-based FPL Associates on The Roundtable’s behalf.  For the full Q1 report, visit here.

House Passes $1.9 Trillion Virus Relief Package; Fed Reports Concerns About CRE

Congressional Democrats racing to enact President Biden’s landmark $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package before unemployment benefits expire March 14 passed The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. 1319) early Saturday morning on a near party-line vote. The massive aid bill now goes to the 50-50 Senate where Democrats cannot afford to lose a single vote. (Associated Press, Feb. 27 and Politico, Feb. 26 and text of the bill)

  • The House bill provides $638 billion in tax cuts, offset by $45 billion in tax increases, representing over 2% of GDP in 2021 and a significant individual income boost for low- and middle-income Americans. While there is no business tax relief in the bill, it includes:
    • $245 billion to extend enhanced unemployment benefits through August;
    • $350 billion in fiscal assistance for States and localities;
    • $170 billion for schools and colleges – and $85B for vaccine distribution.
    • $30.5 billion in grants to mass transit
  • Key elements of the bill affecting real estate include:
    • $19 billion for residential rental assistance through Sept. 30, 2027, which adds to the existing $25 billion in rental assistance provided in December’s omnibus legislation;
    • $10B homeowner assistance fund to help prevent foreclosure or eviction due to the pandemic;
    • a new $25B Restaurant Revitalization Fund to provide cash grants to food and beverage establishments.

Fed Concerns on Pandemic & CRE

As the $1.9 trillion relief package made its way through the House this week, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testified before congressional committees on the Fed’s semiannual monetary policy report to Congress before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee on Feb. 23 and the House Financial Services Committee on Feb. 24.

  • The Fed’s Feb. 19 Monetary Policy Report warned of significant risks to the economy as a result of the ongoing national impact of the pandemic. The report noted, “Commercial real estate prices remain at historically high levels despite high vacancy rates and appear susceptible to sharp declines, particularly if the pace of distressed transactions picks up or, in the longer term, the pandemic leads to permanent changes in demand.”  (Bloomberg, Feb. 19, “Fed Sounds Alarm on Commercial Real Estate, Business Bankruptcy”)

“We don’t have a plan specifically for commercial real estate,” Powell testified. “I will say that we do see a number of sectors of commercial real estate that are under pressure, particularly office [and] hotels … which are directly affected by a pandemic. The best thing that can happen for the commercial real estate sector is [to] … get the pandemic behind us.” (Powell House Testimony)

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White House Requests Information from Businesses on Their COVID-19 Efforts

The Biden Administration is calling on the private sector to share their unique contributions in combatting the pandemic. In the coming weeks, The White House plans to elevate these examples to show how businesses across the country are doing their part to fight the coronavirus. (New York Times and White House Press Briefing, Feb. 26)

  • For more information, email and provide the name of your organization, location, and 3-5 bullets about your efforts toward defeating the virus. (Download White House document Join Us to Help Defeat COVID-19  for more details).
  • Examples of how commercial real estate owners are offering to open their buildings for COVID-19 testing are provided in a Feb. 24 Bloomberg report (subscription only).
  • The Bloomberg article focuses on the efforts of several companies exploring how to open coronavirus testing centers for the public good. “SL Green Realty Corp. and Rudin Management Co. have expressed interest in offering tests at their buildings. And Vornado Realty Trust and Boston Properties Inc. are among companies that agreed to let the state set up testing centers in select buildings,” according to the article.
  • Companies such as Related Cos. and RXR Realty are noted for having added on-site testing at their properties for returning clients. Roundtable Member and RXR Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Scott Rechler told Blooomberg, “You think to yourself, as a real estate owner and operator, we need to provide testing to help our tenants.”

Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer noted the continuing efforts of Roundtable members in fighting the pandemic. “Commercial real estate owners of buildings small and large have been active in combatting COVID-19 on behalf of their employees, tenants and investors since the early days of the outbreak,” DeBoer said. “These focused efforts will continue to help Americans in towns and cities throughout the nation until the pandemic is defeated and a sense of normalcy returns to the workplace.” 

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Legislation Reintroduced in the House to Change Taxation of Carried Interest

A group of House Democrats led by Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ), chairman of the House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, introduced the Carried Interest Fairness Act of 2021 (H.R. 1068) on Feb. 16. For taxpayers with a profits interest in a partnership that invests in capital assets, such as stock and real estate, the bill would convert long-term capital gain to ordinary income. (Pensions & Investments and Bisnow, Feb. 16)

  • As currently drafted, the House legislation would apply to dispositions of partnership interests, distributions of partnership property, and sales of partnership assets that occur in tax years ending after the date of enactment. Thus, if the bill became law this summer or fall, and a partnership’s tax year corresponded with the calendar year, the tax increase would apply to gains realized after December 31, 2020. There is no provision that would exempt or grandfather prior partnership agreements, even though the agreements were negotiated based on well-settled tax law as it existed at the time.
  • The top individual income tax rate today is 37%. The current maximum tax rate on long-term capital gain is 20%.  In some cases, an additional 3.8% tax on net investment income also applies. 
  • The six co-sponsors of H.R. 1068 are Reps. Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Judy Chu (D-CA), Andy Levin (D-MI), Katie Porter (D-CA) and Tom Suozzi (D-NY). (Rep. Pascrell news release, Feb. 16).  Similar legislation has been introduced in every Congress since 2010.
  • In the Senate, incoming Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) outlined his tax agenda during a Jan. 13 call with reporters, including plans to move forward with an increase in the corporate tax rate and major changes in the taxation of individual capital gains. Wyden added he would also pursue raising the current 21% corporate tax rate and change the tax treatment of carried interest (Roundtable Weekly, Jan. 15).
  • During the Presidential campaign, then-candidate Joe Biden did not put forward a carried interest proposal, but rather proposed raising the maximum tax rate on long-term capital gains to create rate parity with wages, rental income, and other sources of ordinary income. 

The Roundtable & Carried Interest

  • The Roundtable has consistently opposed proposals to tax all carried interest at ordinary income rates. Congress likewise has consistently rejected proposals to recharacterize all profits interests as ordinary income. Carried interest is not compensation for services.  General partners receive fees for routine services like leasing and property management.  Those fees are taxed at ordinary tax rates.  The carried interest is granted for the value the general partner adds to the venture beyond routine services, such as business acumen, experience, and relationships.  It is also recognition of the risks the general partner takes with respect to the general partnership’s liabilities, such as predevelopment costs and potential litigation. 
  • “Taxing carried interest at ordinary income rates would discourage the risk taking and sweat equity that drives job creation and economic growth,” said Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer. “It would encourage real estate owners to borrow more money to avoid taking on equity partners, and it would make it more expensive to build or improve real estate and infrastructure, including workforce housing, assisted living communities, and industrial properties, to name just a few. Some development simply won’t happen, especially in long-neglected neighborhoods or on land with potential environmental contamination,” DeBoer added.
  • The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 created a 3-year holding period requirement for carried interest to qualify for the long-term capital gains rate.

As Congress considers additional economic recovery legislation, The Roundtable and its Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) will continue working with policymakers, including the Congressional tax-writing committees, to preserve and improve tax rules that promote capital formation and the appropriate treatment of entrepreneurial activity and productive risk-taking.   

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