Office Sector Shows Economic Stress, NAIOP Releases Report on CRE’s Economic Contributions

Research-RECPAC mtg presentation slide

Trends in real estate capital and credit markets were the focus of a joint session of The Roundtable’s Real Estate Capital Policy Advisory Committee (RECPAC) and Research Committee on Jan. 24 during RER’s State of the Industry Meeting in Washington.

Market Reports

RECPAC Co-Chairs at SOI 2023

  • Research Committee Co-Chairs Paula Campbell Roberts (KKR), above left, and Spencer Levy (CBRE), right, led a discussion on market conditions and the economic outlook. Their findings suggest that the industry is facing challenges from shifting property fundamentals, rising rates, upward pressure on cap rates, and contracting credit capacity. (Download the slide presentation)
  • Other recent reports support the RECPAC-Research presentation, including one from CoStar that shows tightening credit conditions in the sector. “The office market is showing signs of weakness due to weak demand, driving higher vacancy rates and deteriorating operating performance, as well as challenging economic and capital market conditions,” said Mike Santomassimo, chief financial officer of Wells Fargo. He added that the bank is “… making sure we’re being proactive with our borrowers to make sure we’re thinking way ahead of any maturities or extensions, options that need to get put in place to help manage through it.” (CoStar, Jan. 18)
  • A report from Moody’s Analytics suggests that approximately $17 billion worth of mortgage bonds backed by office assets will come due in 2023, compared to $7 billion in 2022 and $4 billion in 2021. Victor Calanog, Moody’s head of commercial real estate economics told The Business Journals that the key issue for today’s office inventory is demand, due to the long-term effect of remote work and initiatives to increase adaptive use. (Washington Business Journal, Jan. 18)
  • The office paradigm shift is analyzed in a market risk assessment study of 11 metropolitan statistical areas released yesterday by Trepp and Compstak. Their findings show that a total of $40.7 billion in loans are scheduled to mature by the end of 2024. In addition to loan statistics, the report reviews leasing trends and headwinds. (Trepp/Compstak, Feb. 2)

CRE’s Economic Contribution

NAIPO study on CRE's Impact

  • NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, released a research study on Jan. 26 on the Economic Impacts of Commercial Real Estate for 2022.

  • The report analyzes the combined economic contributions of new commercial building development and the operations of existing commercial buildings in 2022. The NAIOP Research Foundation publication positive impacts on the U.S. economy, including:
    • $2.3 trillion to U.S. gross domestic product (GDP)
    • $831.8 billion in personal earnings
    • 15.1 million jobs

Economic Impacts of Commercial Real Estate is authored by Brian Lewandowski, Adam Illig, Michael P. Kercheval, Ph.D., and Richard Wobbekind, Ph.D., at the University of Colorado Boulder Leeds School of Business.

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EPA Invites Comments on Proposed Label for Low-Carbon Buildings

EPA NextGen Certified Building logo

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opened a comment period this week on its proposed ENERGY STAR NextGen certification, a voluntary public-private partnership program that would recognize low-carbon buildings. (EPA’s NextGen webpage)

NextGen Criteria

EPA's NextGen criteria slide

1.)   Demonstrate High Energy Efficiency
Building is ENERGY STAR certified and has a score of “75” or higher on EPA’s rating scale. 

2.)   Renewable Energy Use
Building must obtain at least 30% of the total energy it consumes from renewable sources through any combination of (a) onsite renewable generation, (b) renewable energy certificates (not “offsets”), (c) biofuels or other renewable fuels, or (d) renewable thermal certificates. 

3.)   Onsite Emissions Target
Building must meet a greenhouse gas emissions target unique for its asset class that is also “normalized” by regional weather conditions through a metric known as “heating degree days.” 

Next Steps

EPA NextGen slide - next

  • Comments are due to EPA by March 2. (Comments Submission Form).
  • SPAC has formed a working group to develop The Roundtable’s comment letter

EPA aims to make ENERGY STAR NextGen certification available in early 2024.

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House Passes Return-to-Office Bill for Federal Workers

empty govt office

The House of Representatives passed legislation this week requiring all federal agencies to revert to pre-pandemic telework office arrangements and allow employees 30 days to return to their offices. (GovExec, Feb. 1 and The Hill, Feb. 2)


Rep. Comer - twitter video statement on remote work SHOW UP Act

  • House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY)—the lead sponsor of the Stopping Home Office Work’s Unproductive Problems (SHOW UP) Actsaid it is urgent that federal employees get back to their offices. (Video of Comer’s House floor statement and news release, Feb. 1).
  • Rep. Comer also noted that the cost of federal leases in Washington, D.C. is also motivating return-to-office calls for government employees. “If we’re not going to use those buildings for federal workers, then the federal government may look at doing something different with those buildings.” (Federal News Network, Jan. 30 and Roundtable Weekly, Jan. 6)
  • CoStar’s reporting on the bill’s passage noted The Real Estate Roundtable’s December letter to President Biden, which cited the negative impact of underutilized office space on local communities. (CoStar, Feb. 2 and Roundtable letter, Dec. 12)
  • The Roundtable comments also encouraged President Biden to support legislation that could help facilitate “the increased conversion of underutilized office and other commercial real estate to much-needed housing.” (Roundtable Weekly, Dec. 16)

Office-to-Apartment Conversions

NYC Office Adaptive Use Study Jan 2023

  • Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams plans to encourage the conversion of aging office buildings to apartments by changing zoning restrictions that limit adaptive uses of CRE in a specific swath of Manhattan. (GlobeSt, Jan. 30)
  • Mayor Adams’ efforts to convert outdated office space to other potential uses, especially housing, are based on a recent task force report, the New York City Office Adaptive Reuse Study

What’s Next

U.S. Capitol from side with clouds

  • The Democrat-controlled Senate is unlikely to take action on the House-approved SHOW UP Act. (PoliticoProFeb. 1)

  • Meanwhile, the White House announced this week that COVID-19 emergency declarations will end on May 11. It is unclear how the federal government’s pandemic response shift will impact remote work arrangements for government and private sector employees. (Forbes, Jan. 31 and White House Statement of Administrative Policy, Jan. 30)

The Roundtable will continue to focus on return-to-office policies as part of its 2023 policy agenda as remote work continues to take an economic toll on cities and tax bases throughout the nation.

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Real Estate Coalition Raises Concerns About White House Directive for Federal Agencies to Strengthen Tenant Protections

A coalition of 12 national real estate organizations raised concerns this week about the Biden administration’s “Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights,” which directs federal agencies to strengthen tenant protections. (White House Fact Sheet and Coalition statement, Jan. 25 and GlobeSt, Jan. 26)

Industry Response

  • The White House on Wednesday issued the “Blueprint” that includes a set of principles to encourage voluntary private sector actions that increase affordable rental units—and drive action by the federal government, state and local partners on tenant rights enforcement. The administration will also launch an effort in the spring to get local governments and housing providers involved in a “Resident-Centered Housing Challenge.” (White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights and The Washington Post, Jan. 25)
  • The real estate coalition, which includes the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC), expressed disappointment that the White House announcement was “solely focused on renter protections, creating potentially duplicative and onerous federal regulations that interfere with state and local laws meant to govern the housing provider and resident relationship.” (Coalition statement, Jan. 25)
  • NMCH also issued a statement that acknowledged the White House action did not include the threat of a national rent control policy—and urged the administration to prioritize implementation of its Housing Supply Action Plan issued last May. “The best renter protection is an abundant supply of housing,” NMHC stated.

Affordable Housing Solutions

Brick townhouse on Sam Cooper Blvd near Overtone Park in Midtown district of Memphis, Tennessee
  • The administration’s Housing Supply Action Plan includes zoning incentives and government financing to address an estimated shortfall of 7 million units for low-income renters nationwide. It aims to create hundreds of thousands of affordable housing units in the next three years, with the goal of closing the nation’s housing supply shortfall in five years. (Roundtable Weekly, May 20, 2022 | PoliticoPro, May 16, 2022 | National Low Income Housing Coalition, April 2022)
  • On the legislative front, congressional committees showed support last year for the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S. 1136). The bill (detailed summary here) has not been reintroduced yet in the 118th Congress. The measure would expand the pool of tax credits allocated to states for new affordable housing, make it easier to combine the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) with other sources of capital like private activity bonds, and facilitate LIHTC rehab projects. (National Multi-Housing News, Jan. 16)
  • Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer said, “Overly restrictive land-use and zoning policies, construction cost increases, and labor shortages are deepening our housing challenges, which now extend across the entire country. Government at all levels needs to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act would be an important step forward.” (Roundtable Weekly, July 22, 2022)

The Roundtable’s Real Estate Capital Policy Advisory Committee (RECPAC) has formed an Affordable Housing Working Group, which is working with the Research Committee to develop proposals on expanding the nation’s housing infrastructure.

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Treasury Issues Alert on Potential Russian Attempts to Evade Sanctions Through U.S. CRE Investments

The Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) warned financial institutions this week about how Russian elites and their proxies may attempt to evade sanctions by exploiting vulnerabilities in the U.S. commercial real estate market. (FinCEN Alert | Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal, Jan. 25) 

Russian Exploitation 

  • Treasury has imposed wide-ranging sanctions on certain Russian elites, their proxies, and others who have provided support for Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine. (Treasury’s Sanctions List Updates)
  • FinCEN Acting Director Himamauli Das said, “Today we are identifying red flags and typologies in commercial real estate transactions that financial institutions can use to remain vigilant in monitoring, detecting, and reporting suspicious activity that may be indicative of sanctions evasion by sanctioned Russia elites, oligarchs and their proxies.” (Treasury news release, Jan. 25)
  • FinCEN’s 11-page alert warns that sanctioned Russian elites and their proxies may pose as CRE investors seeking to evade sanctions by using shell companies, trusts, and pooled investment vehicles, including offshore funds, in order to avoid customer due diligence obligations and beneficial ownership protocols established by financial institutions.
  • The alert also reminds financial institutions involved in loan syndication—including banks, life insurers, and other types of companies regulated by the Bank Secrecy Act—that Section 314(b) of the USA PATRIOT Act provides a safe harbor that offers protections from liability for financial institutions who share information with one another on suspected money laundering or terrorist activities.
  • Questions or comments regarding the alert should be sent to the FinCEN Regulatory Support Section at

The Treasury Department issued a final rule last Sept. that will require millions of companies to report information about their “beneficial owners”—persons who own at least 25% of a company or exert significant authority over it—to FinCEN. (Roundtable Weekly, Sept. 30, 2022 | Final Treasury Rule | Fact Sheet | Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg Law, Sept. 29) 

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Return-To-Office Policies Present National Economic Challenges

The ongoing negative economic impact of remote work was featured in the Wall Street Journal this week—supported by a private sector study showing more uncertainty lay ahead as office markets adjust to post-pandemic hybrid arrangements for employees. (WSJ, Jan. 24 and CommercialEdge, Jan. 19)

Threats to Local Tax Bases

  • Real Estate Roundtable Chair John Fish and President & CEO Jeff DeBoer wrote to President Biden last month about the consequences of federal agencies’ promotion of permanent remote work—and how these actions are harming cities, local tax bases, and small businesses. (Roundtable letter, Dec. 12, 2022)
  • The Roundtable letter also expressed support for legislation that could help facilitate “the increased conversion of underutilized office and other commercial real estate to much-needed housing.”
  • The WSJ article this week cited The Roundtable’s letter as well as District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser’s  recent calls for President Biden to get more federal workers back to the workplace—and convert underutilized commercial real estate spaces into affordable housing. (Roundtable Weekly, Jan. 6 and ABC News, Jan. 2)
  • City officials in New York, Washington, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and Boston have also encouraged city workers to return to their downtown offices. (WSJ, Jan. 24)

Uncertainty Ahead

  • Yardi’s CommercialEdge issued its National Office Report this month showing that the U.S. office market closed 2022 with a consistent rise in vacancies & declining sales. The national analysis shows that some firms have become more forceful in bringing workers back into the office, while many have fully committed to hybrid and remote work policies. The report also notes that tenants will likely embrace smaller office footprints in premium locations.
  • CommercialEdge stated, “With offices vacant and housing in short supply across the county, converting offices seems like a logical solution.” Yet without tax incentives and other financial resources from state and local governments, many office conversion projects may not be a priority in a high-interest-rate environment, according to the report.
  • A VTS Office Demand Index (VODI) report shows that, while there is momentum in return-to-office trends, it “seems unlikely” that most employers will revert to pre-pandemic physical workplace arrangements. (GlobeSt, Jan. 26)
  • The real estate industry’s perspective on the major repercussions of remote work, including its threat to municipal tax bases throughout the country, were also the focus of recent articles in GlobeSt on Jan. 26 and Jan. 23.

Return-to-office policies by the federal government and cities throughout the nation—and solutions to ease hybrid work’s damaging consequences—will continue to be a focus of The Roundtable’s policy agenda in 2023.

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Roundtable Members and Leading Policymakers Focus on National Issues Affecting CRE in 118th Congress

The Real Estate Roundtable’s 2023 State of the Industry (SOI) Meeting this week included policy discussions with national lawmakers on issues affecting commercial real estate—including the debt ceiling, affordable housing, tax policy, climate regulations, market conditions, and evolving security threats. A special Roundtable joint committee meeting also analyzed the opportunities presented by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the ways CRE companies are navigating the law’s clean energy tax incentives. 

Speakers & Policy Issues 

Roundtable Chair John Fish (Chairman and CEO, SUFFOLK), right,and Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer, left, launched the meeting, which included the following speakers:

  • House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)
  • Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (R)
  • Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
  • Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL)
  • Rep. French Hill (R-AR)
  • Former Rep. and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and former Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) 

Roundtable Policy Advisory Committees 

  • The Roundtable’s policy advisory committees also met on Jan. 24-25 to analyze policy issues with industry experts, policymakers, and their staff, including:

Special Joint SPAC-TPAC Session 

  • The Roundtable’s Tax and Sustainability Policy Advisory Committees (TPAC and SPAC) jointly met to discuss the practical aspects of employing the IRA’s new clean energy tax credits and deductions, and how the incentives can help finance improvements needed to meet evolving regulatory requirements and investor expectations. [Photo: panel moderators TPAC Vice Chair Catherine Perrenoud (Tax Director, Johnson Management LLC), left, next to Roundtable Board Member and SPAC Chair Anthony Malkin (Chairman and CEO, Empire State Realty Trust)]

Research and Real Estate Capital Policy Advisory Committees (RECPAC) 

  • Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY), above, shared his insights on capital and credit issues as chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy. Panels on real estate capital markets and debt markets also engaged Roundtable members in wide-ranging discussions on current economic conditions.

    Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) 

  • Speakers at the TPAC meeting included senior House Ways and Means Committee member Darin LaHood (R-IL), above, a bipartisan panel of senior staff from the congressional tax-writing committees, and the Treasury Department’s attorney advisor for partnership and pass-through tax issues. The policymakers focused on tax and economic policy priorities for the year ahead.

    Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC) 

  • HSTF members were briefed on the current threat environment to CRE by Linda Reid (VP, Security Operations, Walt Disney), right, and National Football League Security Chief Cathy Lanier, left, who also serves as vice-chair of CISA’s Commercial Facilities Sector Coordinating Council. Other discussions focused on cyber crime threats, fraudulent lease applications, organized criminal retail theft, and other security challenges facing commercial sector facilities. 

Next on The Roundtable’s FY2023 meeting calendar is the Spring Meeting on April 24-25. This meeting is restricted to Roundtable-level members only. 

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Fed’s Climate Risk Assessment Exercise Will Include Impact on Banks’ CRE Portfolios

Federal ReserveThe Fed released new details this week about its “pilot climate scenario analysis”—an exploratory exercise that will require six major banks to report by July 31 on how extreme weather event scenarios would impact their operations, investments and real estate portfolios. (Reuters, Jan. 17 and Politico PowerSwitch, Jan. 19)

Risk Scenarios & CRE

  • The pilot exercise aims to learn about climate risk-management practices and challenges of the six largest U.S. banks—and enhance their ability to identify, measure, monitor, and manage climate-related financial risks.
  • The banks will analyze the impact of two risk scenarios on corporate and CRE lending exposures in their portfolios, according to the Fed’s 52-page set of instructions for Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs Group, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. (Fed news release, Jan. 17)
  • One scenario will include how storms, floods and other “physical risks” could affect residential and commercial real estate portfolios in northeast over a one-year horizon.
  • The second scenario will focus on “transition risks,” which refers to financial stresses caused by regulations and market forces that compel shifts to a lower carbon economy. The banks will analyze impacts over a 10-year horizon, using a scenario based on current policies—and one based on reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. (Yahoo News and Fed Participant Instructions, Jan. 17)

What’s Next

Federal Reserve's 2023 pilot climate scenario analysis

  • The Fed plans to publish a summary of its climate scenario analyses by the end of 2023.

  • Banks will calculate and report to the Fed on credit risk parameters such as probability of default, internal risk rating grade, and loss given default.
  • The Fed’s climate exercises are different from bank stress tests, since these climate risk scenarios are exploratory in nature and have no capital consequences. (Fed Participant Instructions, Jan. 17)
  • The central bank’s exercises come as various federal agencies are taking action on risks that climate change may pose to the economy.
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to issue climate disclosure regulations from by April. The proposed rules would require all registered companies to disclose material financial risks related to climate change, and may include new disclosure requirements for “Scope 3” GHG emissions. The Roundtable submitted extensive comments last year on the SEC’s about the proposal. (Roundtable Weekly, June 10)
  • The Federal Insurance Office within the Treasury Department has also requested information on climate-related financial risks from the insurance sector to identify geographic areas that might lack coverage. (ClimateWire, Jan. 18 and Federal Register, August 31, 2021)

Climate-related regulatory proposals affecting CRE will be among the topics discussed during The Roundtable’s Jan. 24-25 State of the Industry Meeting in Washington, DC.

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Roundtable Comments to EPA on Building Performance Standards, Electrification

The Real Estate Roundtable submitted comments this week encouraging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to use its grant authority to foster consistent, practicable, and cost-efficient local building mandates and electrification programs. (Roundtable letter, Jan. 18)

Consistency Urged in Building Performance Standards

  • In addition to clean energy tax incentives for the private sector, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) devotes billions in grant money for EPA to dole-out to states and cities for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction programs. [White House Guidebook, Dec. 15]

  • IRA grants could support localities as they develop and enforce building performance standards (BPS) that mandate owners to reduce energy use and emissions. Dozens of BPS laws have emerged in jurisdictions across the United States. (EPA Policy Brief, Jan. 19) (Roundtable Weekly, July 1, 2022)

  • The Roundtable’s Jan. 18 letter urges EPA to use its grant authority to encourage consistency in BPS mandates. A “hodge-podge” of state and local laws complicates compliance by building owners with nationwide real estate portfolios and hinders responsible investment strategies, according to The Roundtable’s letter.

  • The Roundtable’s position is that EPA should not award IRA grants unless state or local recipients ensure their BPS laws offer uniform federal tools, data, and protocols for enforcement and compliance.

  • These federal standards include EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, its GHG Emissions Calculator, eGRID factors that convert electricity use to GHGs, and metrics already recommended by EPA to support BPS efforts.

Tenant Energy Data and “Practicable Electrification”

  • The Roundtable letter also advocates that utilities should be eligible for EPA grants to develop technologies that provide owners of multi-tenant buildings with “whole building” energy data. Owners need data on tenants’ energy use to meet BPS mandates and to attain the IRA’s new tax deduction for building retrofits. (Fact Sheet, updated Jan. 5.)

  • EPA can also devote grant dollars for building electrification “partnerships.” The Roundtable directed EPA to the federal government’s own BPS and NYSERDA’s Empire Building Challenge as paradigms that may accelerate voluntary and cost-effective building electrification scenarios in the private sector. (Roundtable Weekly, Dec. 9, 2022)

  • In addition, The Roundtable letter advocates that grants to help standardize corporate climate reporting should prioritize consistency in accounting for emission benefits from the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), and for embedded carbon in construction materials and building products purchased by real estate owners and developers.

IRA tax incentives and grant programs affecting CRE will be among the topics discussed during The Roundtable’s Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC) Meeting on Jan. 25 in Washington, D.C., held in conjunction with Jan. 24 State of the Industry meeting.

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Remote Work Continues to Exert Economic Pressure on CRE and Cities as Mayors Explore Options

downtown Harford CT

As the pandemic-induced rise of remote work has lowered office demand and occupancy rates, building repurposing projects are on the rise—and the nation’s mayors are exploring ways to revitalize their downtowns and damaged tax bases. (Commercial Property Executive, Jan. 16 | CBRE Research, Dec. 2 | New York magazine, Dec. 29)

Growing Threat to Municipal Tax Bases

Miami Mayor Francis Xavier Suarez

  • The president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Miami Mayor Francis Xavier Suarez, above, will discuss the issue of how cities are responding to the economic impact of hybrid work arrangements during The Real Estate Roundtable’s Jan. 24 business meeting in Washington.
  • Additionally, members of the Ohio Mayors Alliance, a bipartisan group of mayors representing the state’s 30 largest cities, recently issued a report that identified remote work’s economic threat to municipal revenue as among their top concerns for 2023. (Dayton Daily News, Dec. 19)
  • A Jan. 19 editorial in the Washington Post focuses on the national problem of hybrid work for downtown areas and suggests paths to recovery, including the need to speed up permitting, rezoning and easing of restrictions. “Cities must adapt to this new reality or risk a downward spiral of falling commercial property values, lower taxes on those buildings and ghost downtowns that could lead to increased crime and homelessness,” the editorial states.
  • Employees working full-paid days from home increased to about 30 percent from 5 percent before the pandemic, according to a July 21 panel on “Vulnerable Cities Facing Work from Home Realities” from the Volcker Alliance and the Penn Institute for Urban Research.

Federal Agencies & Remote Work

image from Gentex

  • Federal government employees were recently urged to return to their agency offices by Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who called on President Biden to urge more federal workers back to the workplace and convert underutilized commercial real estate spaces into affordable housing. (Roundtable Weekly, Jan. 6)

  • Mayor Bowser’s views reiterated a letter sent on Dec. 12 by The Roundtable to President Joe Biden about the ongoing, harmful economic impacts of widespread remote work on cities, local tax bases, and small businesses—and how work-from-home policies by federal agencies threaten to magnify these negative economic and social consequences. (Roundtable letter | GlobeSt and CoStar, Dec. 15) 

    • Legislation introduced in the House of Representatives last week would require all federal agencies to revert to pre-pandemic office arrangements that were in effect on December 31, 2019 and give employees 30 days to return to their offices. [Roundtable Weekly, Jan. 13 and Bill text of the SHOW UP Act (H.R. 139)]
      • Any federal order to mandate government workers back to their offices could be complicated by federal worker labor unions, which support flexible hybrid arrangements. (GlobeSt, Jan. 17 and (TechTarget,  Jan. 12)

      Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve released its “Beige Book” this week, which reports on national economic conditions. The report stated, “Commercial real estate activity slowed slightly, on average, with more notable weakening in the office market.” Additionally, some bankers reported to the Fed that higher borrowing costs had begun to dampen commercial lending. (Beige Book national summary, Jan. 18 and GlobeSt, Jan. 20)

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