New House Republican Ways and Means Chairman Promises Focus on Working Families, Wages, and Investment

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO)

Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), above, won a three-candidate race this week in the 118th Congress to become the youngest-ever chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policies affecting commercial real estate. Former Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-MA) now becomes the panel’s ranking member. (Roll Call and Wall Street Journal, Jan. 9)

Chairman Smith

  • Rep. Smith is a 42-year-old lawyer who was first elected to the House in 2012. He served as the top Republican on the House Budget Committee in the previous Congress, and is a close ally of new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). (PoliticoPro, Jan. 9)
  • Rep. Smith was a leading supporter of Roundtable-supported legislation introduced in 2021 to make permanent the 20 percent deduction for qualified pass-through business income (Section 199A). The pass-through deduction was enacted on a temporary basis as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017. Rep. Smith also spoke at The Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) in June 2016 at the height of the tax reform debate. (Smith news release, Feb. 26, 2021 and stakeholder letter of support).
  • There are only five remaining Republican members on Ways and Means who served on the panel when the TCJA was enacted. Several TCJA provisions are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025, including Section 199A and the limitation on the deductibility of state and local taxes. (Wall Street Journal, Jan. 9)

A New Agenda

House Ways and Means Committee doorway

  • On Monday, Ways and Means Chairman Smith stated, “We will build on the success of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and examine how our policies can reward working families with a tax code that delivers better jobs, higher wages, and more investment in America.”  He added that he would aim to use the tax code to strengthen American supply chains, encourage domestic energy production, and achieve energy independence. (Smith statement, Jan. 9)
  • On Dec. 7, 2022, Rep. Smith also discussed key priorities that should be addressed by the Ways and Means Committee with Punchbowl News. (Watch video)
  • House Republicans added 10 new members to the Ways and Means Committee on Jan. 11, and six Republican women will be part of the 25-seat majority on the panel. Subcommittee chairs will not be decided for several weeks, according to Chairman Smith. (BGov, Jan. 12)

TPAC will discuss industry tax priorities in the 118th Congress during their next meeting on Jan. 25 in conjunction with The Roundtable’s State of the Industry Meeting in Washington, DC.

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Treasury Dept. Issues New Rules on Taxation of Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate

Foreign Investment in Real Property Act - book

On December 28, Treasury and the IRS released new tax regulations affecting foreign investment in U.S. real estate. 


  • Among the changes, a proposed rule would repeal a long-standing private letter ruling that foreign investors have relied on when structuring inbound investments. 
  • Under current law, shareholders of domestically controlled REITs are not subject to the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA)—a statutory regime that subjects foreign investors to capital gains tax on their U.S. property investments. 
  • The proposal, if finalized, would expand the reach of FIRPTA by denying a REIT’s status as domestically controlled if a U.S. corporate shareholder of the REIT is foreign-owned. In other words, the rule would look through a domestic C corporation that owns the REIT, even if the C corporation is a U.S. taxpayer that pays U.S. income tax. 
  • The proposed regulation surprised foreign investors and real estate fund managers who have relied on a 2009 IRS private lettering rule, which held that a domestic C corporation that owns shares in a REIT is a U.S. owner for purposes of determining whether the REIT is domestically controlled. 
  • The proposed rule appears to conflict with policies underlying FIRPTA-related ownership attribution changes enacted in the 2015 PATH Act.  As a practical matter, the tax consequences of the proposal are retroactive because they would apply to existing investments made years ago. (Weil Tax Alert and Skadden Insights)

Additional Provisions & Regulations

Treasury Department

  • Other provisions in the proposed regulations are more favorable. For example, they include rules that allow a sovereign wealth fund to preserve the tax exemption applicable to foreign governments if the fund has only a minority, non-controlling interest in a U.S. real estate business. 
  • Simultaneously, Treasury also released final regulations last month related to the FIRPTA exemption for foreign pension funds, which the Roundtable worked to enact in 2015. The final regulations are largely positive and should facilitate even greater investment in U.S. real estate by qualified foreign pension funds. 

The Real Estate Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) has created a working group to develop formal comments and respond to the recent Treasury releases.

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Ways and Means Chair Supports LIHTC in Year-End Tax Extenders Package

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA)

Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) this week expressed support for including the low-income housing credit (LIHTC) in a year-end tax extenders legislative package. (Roll Call, Oct. 25). 

Affordable Housing & LIHTC 

  • This week, Neal referred to the LIHTC in an interview with Roll Call, stating, “But for that credit, there’s a lot of housing that doesn’t get built at a time when the housing crunch is substantial across the country. I think it’s a pretty important tax vehicle. It’s demonstrated its value time and again.
  • A 12.5% temporary increase in the annual LIHTC allocation to states enacted in 2018 expired at the end of 2021. The credit increase may be extended or further expanded when Congress returns from the midterm elections. (GlobeSt, Oct. 25 and Roundtable Weekly, Oct. 21)
  • In 2020, nearly a quarter of American renters spent 50% or more of their income on housing, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau. (Pew Research Center, March 23) 

Congressional Action

Affordable Housing row

  • The Roundtable-supported Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S.1136 and H.R. 2573)—introduced in 2021 by Washington Democrats Sen. Maria Cantwell and Rep. Suzan DelBene—would expand the pool of tax credits, make it easier to combine LIHTC with other sources of capital like private activity bonds, and facilitate LIHTC rehab projects. (Detailed bill summary and (Tax Notes, July 21)

Beyond Legislation

Jeffrey DeBoer, Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO

  • Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer, above, recently stated, “Expanding the supply and availability of affordable housing deserves a coordinated local, state, and national policy action plan. Local zoning restrictions, permitting issues, and the oversized influence of NIMBYs—coupled with high and now significantly rising labor and material costs—are the true factors limiting housing supply, and in turn, increasing housing costs. Government at all levels needs to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.” (Roundtable Weekly, July 1 and July 22

The Roundtable’s Real Estate Capital Policy Advisory Committee (RECPAC) has formed an Affordable Housing Working Group, which is working with the Research Committee to develop proposals on expanding the nation’s housing infrastructure.  

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Congressional Lame Duck Session May Include Tax Policies Impacting Real Estate

Capitol Dome Stormy weather

Lawmakers returning after the midterm elections for a lame duck session will work on a possible FY2023 “omnibus” budget package that may include tax policies of importance to commercial real estate. 

Omni First 

  • The first congressional priority will be a massive “omnibus” budget package that needs to pass by December 16—the deadline set by a Continuing Budget Resolution passed in September—to avoid a partial government shutdown. (Roundtable Weekly, Sept. 30)
  • Whether business tax reliefe.g. a delay in the pending phase-out of 100 percent bonus depreciation, tax extenders, or a fix to the business interest deductibility rules—will be attached to an omni package may depend on whether a bipartisan deal can be struck on child tax credit relief. (Politico, Oct. 6 and Tax Policy Center, Oct. 6)

Tax Extenders

Tax issues grid choice image

  • Certain provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) recently expired, including rules related to business interest deductibility. TCJA’s 100% bonus depreciation benefit starts phasing down at the end of this year. Other expired tax provisions include a temporary increase in allocations of low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) to states.   

  • The Real Estate Roundtable has long supported well-designed, targeted tax incentives like the LIHTC that are aimed at boosting the construction and rehabilitation of badly needed affordable and workforce housing. (Roundtable 2022 Policy Agenda Tax Section)
  • House Republicans have made the permanent extension of the TCJA tax cuts a key element of their Commitment to America policy agenda. (Bloomberg, Sept. 23 and ABC News, Sept. 22

Packed Lame Duck 

Congress in session

  • A cascade of other national policy issues will vie for attention in the tightly packed lame duck agenda, including reauthorization of defense programs, hurricane relief, immigration, election reform, marriage equality and more. (Axios, Sept. 29)
  • House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said that if the GOP controls the House in 2023, they will use raising the debt limit as leverage to force spending cuts—which could include cuts to Medicare and Social Security—and possibly limit funding to Ukraine. (PunchBowl, Oct. 18 and Bloomberg Law, Oct. 11) 

The House returns Nov. 9 and the Senate on Nov. 14.

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Real Estate Industry Urges Lawmakers to Consider Tax Incentive for Property Conversions

CRE with green trees

A Roundtable-led coalition of 16 national real estate organizations on Oct. 12 recommended certain enhancements and expansions to the Revitalizing Downtowns Act (S. 2511, H.R. 4759). The bill was introduced by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) to encourage the conversion of older buildings into new uses. (Coalition letter

Qualified Property Conversions Credit 

  • The coalition noted that many buildings are being reimagined and repurposed to address a severe shortage of housing and meet other post-pandemic business needs. Where appropriate, property conversions can be a cost-effective means to develop new housing supply, create jobs, and generate critical sources of local property tax revenue while saving energy and reinvigorating communities.

  • The Revitalizing Downtowns Act would provide a 20 percent tax credit for qualified property conversion expenditures. The credit is modeled on the historic rehabilitation tax credit and could be used for office buildings that are at least 25 years old at the time of the conversion.

  • An office-to-residential conversion project may qualify for the credit if the project provides at least 20 percent affordable housing—or is subject to an alternative affordable housing arrangement under state or local policy, ordinance, or agreement. 

Real Estate Industry Recommendations 


  • The recommendations include:
    • (a) expanding the category of properties eligible for the credit to include other types of commercial buildings, such as shopping centers and hotels;
    • (b) extending the incentive to real estate investment trusts (REITs); and
    • (c) reducing the conversion expenditure requirement from 100 percent of the building’s basis to 50 percent—along with half-a-dozen other suggestions.

  • The coalition letter is the work product of a property conversions working group created by The Real Estate Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee. The working group has reviewed and considered the challenges and impediments confronting potential property conversion activities.  

Recent media articles on property conversions include “Cities push to convert deserted office buildings into housing” (Axios, Sept.  28) and “Multifamily Developers Turn Some Dead Office Space into Apartments” (, Oct. 4). 

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House Republicans Unveil Tax Agenda for 2023

House GOP Announces Commitment Plan

In advance of the November midterm elections, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, above, and the House GOP Conference released their Commitment to America today in Pittsburgh. The platform includes forward-looking tax and economic policy proposals that, if enacted, would impact commercial real estate in important ways. (Document and video, Sept. 23)

GOP Tax Proposals

  • The Commitment to America is the product of months of work by task forces created by the House Leader to develop a policy agenda to unify House Republicans. The tax proposals are outlined in a document entitled “Growth Through Innovation” developed by Republicans’ Jobs and the Economy Task Force. (Bloomberg Sept. 23ABC News Sept. 22)
  • The proposals are aimed at providing more tax relief to individuals and small businesses. Proposals affecting real estate include:
    • Permanently extending 20% deduction for pass-through business income enacted in 2017,
    • Enacting additional estate tax relief for family-owned businesses, and

    • Extending rules that facilitate the full deductibility of business interest expense.
  • Other areas of focus include middle class tax relief, increasing tax incentives for R&D, bringing jobs back to the United States, and tax simplification.

TCJA Tax Cuts

Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)

  • Senior Ways and Means Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL), above, introduced legislation this week to make permanent tax cuts for individuals and small businesses enacted as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. The Buchanan legislation was endorsed in House Republicans’ Commitment to America released today. (Buchanan news release, Sept. 21)
  • The TCJA Permanency Act (H.R.8913) also includes several technical fixes. Without Congressional action, 23 different provisions of the 2017 Republican tax law are set to expire after 2025.

  • The current deduction for qualified business income (Section 199A) was part of the TCJA. Designed to ensure pass-through businesses received tax relief alongside the large tax cut for public corporations, the provision allows real estate and other pass-through businesses to deduct up to 20% of their net business income.”
  • Buchanan, the most senior member on the House Ways and Means Committee, is running to become the next top Republican on the powerful tax policy panel. (The Hill, April 15, 2021)

CRE Policy Webinars

Seattle skyline

Desiderio will also participate in another Sept. 28 virtual briefing on the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy tax incentives, hosted by the Urban Land Institute (ULI registration). The  webinar features members of The Roundtable’s Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC)­­—Immediate Past SPAC Vice Chair Dan Egan (Managing Director, Real Estate ESG – Americas, Blackstone), Suzanne Fallender (VP Global ESG, Prologis), and ULI EVP Billy Grayson.

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Senators Propose New Restrictions on Conservation Easement Donations

Conservation easement - Ducks Unlimited

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID) released legislative text yesterday with new restrictions on conservation easements as a revenue offset for their new retirement savings bill.

Easement Restrictions

  • Section 1104 of the Senate Finance committee’s summary of the Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN) Act states that since 2016, the IRS “has identified certain syndicated conservation easement transactions involving pass-through entities as ‘listed transactions’ carrying a high potential for abusive tax avoidance.” (Legislative text)
  • The EARN provision would disallow a charitable deduction for a qualified conservation contribution if the charitable deduction claimed exceeds two and one half times the sum of each partner’s relevant basis in such partnership— unless the contribution meets a three-year holding period test. (Section-by-section summary of the EARN Act)

What’s Next

Conservation easement -- Capital Region

  • The Senate Finance Committee adopted the conservation easement proposal in June during consideration of the EARN Act, which passed on a 28-0 vote. The House passed its retirement legislation by a wide margin in March. The two packages will have to be reconciled. (PoliticoPro and TaxNotes, Sept. 9)

Conservation easement changes, retirement-related legislation, expiring tax provisions, and potentially other tax proposals could gain momentum during the “lame duck” legislative session  following the November mid-term elections.

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New Research Details Trends in Like-Kind Exchanges and Impact on US Economy

TPAC during Annual Mtg 2022

New research highlights emerging trends related to real estate like-kind exchanges (LKEs) and their growing importance to the US economy. The report by EY economist and former Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Analysis Robert Carroll was presented to The Real Estate Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC), above, on June 17. EY partnered with the Real Estate Like-Kind Exchange Coalition, which includes The Roundtable, to produce the updated LKE report with 2021 data. (TPAC slide presentation, June 17)

LKE Data and Trends

EY LKE presentation to TPAC 2022

  • LKEs under section 1031 of the tax code allow businesses to defer capital gains tax on the disposition of real estate if the gain is used to acquire replacement property of like kind within six months.
  • The EY report—“Economic Contribution of the Like-Kind Exchange Rules to the US economy in 2021: An Update”—updates EY’s prior research that used LKE data from 2019.
  • The survey found that the dollar volume of like-kind exchange activity and number of transactions increased by 70% between 2019 and 2021. The increase was identified by a survey of qualified intermediaries as the US economy recovered from the COVID recession.
  • According to the author, the increase in LKE activity “is likely due, in part, to the transition of many qualified real property assets to new or modified uses to meet post-pandemic business models and tenant needs, a trend that may continue, at least to some degree, for the next several years.”

LKE Economic Impact

EY LKE updated data 2021

  • The EY report estimates the impact of like-kind exchange rules on the cost of capital and assesses the likely impact of section 1031 on investment decisions and investment levels. EY’s significant findings include:
    • Job growth and labor income
      Overall, economic activity generated by Section 1031 exchanges in 2021 supported 976,000 jobs and $48.6 billion of labor income.
    • Gross Domestic Product
      Like-kind exchanges generated $97.4 billion in value added in the United States in 2021. “Value added” measures a sector’s or industry’s contribution to the production of final goods and services.
    • Federal, state, and local tax revenue
      Taxpayers engaged in like-kind exchanges—along with suppliers and related consumer spending—were estimated to generate approximately $13.1 billion in federal, state, and local taxes during 2021.
  • The EY research builds on the groundbreaking academic research on LKEs commissioned by The Roundtable and other members of the Real Estate Like-Kind Exchange Coalition at the height of the tax reform debate. This work by Professors David Ling (Univ. Fla.) and Milena Petrova (Syracuse U.) was subsequently published in 2020 in the peer-reviewed Journal of Real Estate Literature here and here.

The Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) will continue working to raise awareness of the role that like-kind exchanges play in supporting the health of the US economy and the stability of real estate markets.

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Senate Republicans Propose Middle-Class Tax Relief, Financed by SALT Cap Extension

Capitol dome side flag overcast

Congressional Republicans this week proposed legislative measures—aimed at helping middle-class savers and spurring investment without further increasing inflation—as a precursor of GOP economic policies that may be promoted during the fall’s midterm elections. Senate and House announcements on inflation followed last week’s Labor Department report showing the consumer price index reached 8.6 percent in May. In response, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates  by 75 basis points, its largest hike since 1994. (Wall Street Journal and Tax Notes, June 14 | CNBC, June 15) 

Senate GOP Proposal 

  • This week, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John Barrasso (R-WY), Steve Daines (R-MT), and James Lankford (R-OK) introduced the Middle-Class Savings and Investment Act.  The legislation aims to help the middle class through tax cuts and savings incentives, paid for by extending the current $10,000 cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. (Sen. Grassley news release, June 14) 
  • The Republican-introduced bill would:
    • Expand the Zero Rate Bracket for Capital Gains and Dividend IncomeThe legislation would increase the size of the zero percent tax bracket for long-term capital gains and qualified dividends. Under the proposal, a married couple with income under $178,000 would not owe tax on capital gains and dividend income. 
    • Provide Relief from the Net Investment Tax for a Married CoupleThe legislation would exempt the first $400,000 earned by a married couple from the 3.8 percent net investment income tax that otherwise applies to capital gains, dividends, and passive rental income. Currently, the first $200,000 earned by an individual and $250,000 earned by a married couple is exempt from the tax. 
    • Create and Expand Tax Relief for Interest Income and Retirement SavingsThe legislation would allow individuals to exclude up to $300 ($600 if married) of interest income from taxation. Additionally, the bill would expand the tax credit that encourages low-income taxpayers to contribute to a qualified retirement account. (Backgrounder on the Senate legislation)
  • The bill would be paid for by extending the current $10,000 cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes for three years, or however long is needed. The deduction is scheduled to expire at the end of 2025.  

House Republican Outline 

R Ways and Means Brady graphic

  • On June 14, House Ways and Means Committee Republicans released a one-page document outlining a six-point plan to combat inflation. The GOP calls for repurposing $170 billion in unspent pandemic federal aid for deficit reduction while pursuing permanent tax relief. The list of principles also urges policymakers to reject the Biden administration’s proposed overhaul of the tax code affecting corporations and wealthy individuals. (BGov, June 15)
  • The proposals to fight inflation by congressional Republicans seek to provide a contrast to the approach by Democrats, which includes cutting prescription drug costs and increasing taxes on oil company profits. (PoliticoPro, June 14) 

The Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) met today in conjunction with The Roundtable’s 2022 Annual Meeting to discuss policy issues affecting the taxation of commercial real estate. (See story above). 

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Coalition Requests Changes to Treasury Tax Regulations Affecting Outbound Foreign Real Estate Investment

IRS BuildingThe Real Estate Roundtable and four other national trade groups submitted recommendations to modify proposed Treasury regulations regarding partnerships and other pass-through entities that own direct or indirect interests in a passive foreign investment company (PFIC). (Read PFIC comment letter, April 25)

Passive Foreign Investment Companies and Proposed Regulations

  • A PFIC is a foreign corporation that derives a significant share of its income from passive sources or primarily owns assets that are held for the production of passive income, including capital gains, interest, dividends and rent. PFICs commonly arise when structuring investment funds and pooling capital to invest in foreign real estate.
  • Special U.S. tax rules apply to PFIC income. The rules generally accelerate the recognition of PFIC income by PFIC shareholders, or impose an interest charge if the income is deferred. PFIC shareholders can elect which tax regime to apply.
  • Recently proposed Treasury regulations would require any U.S. partner of a partnership that directly or indirectly owns a PFIC to make PFIC-related tax elections at the individual partner level, in addition to other changes.

Recommended Changes

PFIC Coalition logos

  • The April 25 coalition letter suggests the proposed rules would result in an exponential increase in the number of separate PFIC filings, greater administrative burdens and a higher cost of compliance. The rules would also lead to inadvertent failures to file elections since small investors are less well-versed in the PFIC rules than the investment partnerships and their advisors.
  • The letter also urges the IRS to allow partnerships to make PFIC elections at the entity level for all partners, including on behalf of indirect partners who own their interest through an upper-tier partnership. A partnership could make the election for a partner through a partner’s grant of a power of attorney to the general partner of the partnership. An implicit delegation of this authority (e.g., the authority in the partnership agreement to file tax returns) would be sufficient.
  • “If Treasury incorporates these changes,” said Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer, “the end result will be less friction and expense for real estate funds as they raise and deploy capital for productive real estate investment.”

Other signatories of the letter include the Alternative Investment Management Association, the American Investment Council, the Managed Funds Association, and the S Corporation Association.

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