Senate Democrats Propose Tax Penalties on Institutional Owners of Single-Family Rental Homes

SFR portfolio

A group of eight Democratic Senators introduced legislation on July 11 that would prohibit for-profit owners of 50 or more single-family rental homes from taking depreciation or business interest expense deductions on their properties. 

“Short-Sighted Proposal”

  • Senate Banking Committee Chairman Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), one of the bill’s sponsors, said, “big investors funded by Wall Street buy up homes that could have gone to first-time homebuyers, then jack up rent, neglect repairs, and threaten families with eviction.” Similar concerns were expressed by several cosponsors: Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, along with Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Tina Smith (D-MN), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Jack Reed (D-RI), John Fetterman (D-PA), and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI).  (Senate Banking press release, July 11)

  • Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer, below, said, “Improving and expanding housing affordability is a goal we all share, and any illegal or unjust actions by landlords should not be tolerated. However, this legislation is a short-sighted proposal that will drive up housing costs for working Americans, reduce property values for existing homeowners, and further discourage new home construction.”
Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer
  • The bill deflects attention from the real, underlying causes contributing to high housing costs: inflation, labor shortages, and supply chain challenges; rising interest rates and tight credit conditions; NIMBY’ism, discriminatory zoning rules, and restrictive land-use policies; and insufficient investment in the low-income housing credit, to name just a few. Many of these factors are deep, structural challenges. Institutional investors are a convenient scapegoat and a distraction from the real work that must be done to address housing affordability,” DeBoer added.

  • By denying basic business expense deductions, the Stop Predatory Investing Act would distort housing markets and create additional, restrictive policies that exacerbate the current supply/demand imbalance.

  • Depreciation ensures that the cost of a capital investment is reflected in the measurement of income and recovered, for tax purposes, over the economic life of the investment. Depreciation deductions compensate property owners for the normal wear and tear that reduces the value of a structure over time. Interest expense deductions ensure that taxable income properly takes into account the cost of borrowing to invest in a trade or business.

  • Depreciation and interest expense deductions are not “tax breaks” as suggested by the bill’s sponsors. (Senate Banking one-page summary)

House Tax Legislation

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA)
  • Tax legislation advanced by the House Ways and Means Committee in June is unlikely to receive a vote before Congress starts its August recess.

  • House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), above, noted this week that the appropriations bills and reauthorization of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), passed today in the House, are the chamber’s current priorities. “Getting the NDAA done and getting the appropriations bills are what are front and center right now. Then, we’ll really look forward to getting that economic agenda moving forward,” Scalise said. (Bloomberg Law, July 12)

  • Republican Ways and Means Committee members last month approved their proposed tax legislative package along party lines, including measures on business interest deductibility, bonus depreciation, and opportunity zones. (Tax Notes, June 14 | Ways and Means Committee, June 13 and Roundtable Weekly, June 9)

Scalise added that Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) is still “working with other members on remaining issues with that bill.” (Bloomberg Law, July 12)

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Bipartisan Bill Would Correct Condo Construction Tax Accounting Rules and Facilitate Construction Financing

Construction of condo building in Denver

House Ways and Means Committee members Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ) and Vern Buchanan (R-FL) this week reintroduced the Fair Accounting for Condominium Construction Act (H.R. 4280) to correct current condominium tax accounting rules that hamper construction financing.

 Discriminatory Tax 

  • Current condo tax accounting rules require multifamily developers of condominium buildings to recognize income and pay tax on their expected profit as construction is ongoing. This “percentage-of-completion method” requires payment on pre-sale transactions well before a buyer closes and pays for a transaction.
  • Homebuilders of single-family homes, townhouses and row houses are not subject to this tax accounting rule restriction, which unfairly accelerates federal income tax liability for new condominium construction.
  • The Buchanan-Pascrell legislation would correct the discriminatory tax by providing condominium developers an exclusion from the percentage-of-completion tax method. 

Roundtable Support for Change 

Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer

  • Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer said, “Developers seeking construction loans face severe headwinds in today’s economy. Our tax accounting rules should not create additional barriers to the financing of new housing construction. Unfortunately, a quirk in the way that federal tax law works accelerates income from the pre-sale of condominium units and prevents developers from using their own revenue to finance condo construction.”
  • “This tax aberration is unique to vertical condo development and does not apply to the construction of townhouses, row houses, or buildings with four or fewer units,” DeBoer continued. “The Buchanan-Pascrell bill would fix this issue and allow taxpayers to put their own capital to work expanding the supply and availability of housing.”
  • The Roundtable is a long-standing advocate to correct this discriminatory rule as developers have struggled to access their own income (condo pre-sales) to self-finance new construction.
  • On August 21, 2019 The Roundtable wrote to former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin requesting regulatory relief from existing tax accounting rules that unfairly accelerate federal income tax liability for new condominium construction. (Roundtable letter)
  • The Roundtable’s letter detailed how the completed contract method of accounting— rather than the percentage- of-completion method—would more accurately fit the economics of condominium construction. (Tax Notes, August 23, 2019)
  • In 2008, the IRS and Treasury released proposed regulations (REG-120844-07) under section 460 that would treat individual condo units as townhouses or row houses. 

The Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) continues to advocate for the passage of corrective legislation that would level the playing field for accounting rules impacting condominium construction. 

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House Republicans Unveil Tax Package; Ways and Means Chairman to Address Real Estate Roundtable Next Week

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith

The House Ways and Means Committee unveiled a tax package today that includes measures impacting commercial real estate, and announced a legislative mark-up on June 13. (Politico and Tax Notes, June 9)

Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO), above, Ways and Means Member Brad Schneider (D-IL), and committee staff will speak on June 14 during The Roundtable’s all-member Annual Meeting in Washington, DC at the Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) meeting.

GOP Proposal & CRE

  • Chairman Smith released a statement today about the package, which includes the following bills scheduled for markup next week:
  • The proposals relevant to real estate include:
    • Business interest deduction. The Build It in America Act (H.R. 3938) would provide a 4-year extension (through 2025) of certain, taxpayer-favorable business interest deductibility rules that applied from 2018-2021. The proposal would allow more real estate businesses to operate under the general rules of section 163(j) and its preferable cost recovery schedules.
    • Bonus depreciation.  H.R. 3938 also includes a 3-year extension (through 2025) of 100% bonus depreciation for qualifying capital investments, including equipment, machinery, and interior improvements to nonresidential property (“qualified improvement property”).  Bonus depreciation is 80% in 2023 and gradually phasing down. 
    • Opportunity Zones. The Small Business Jobs Act (H.R. 3937) would establish special, favorable rules for investments in rural opportunity zones. It would also create a new and detailed information-reporting regime for all opportunity funds.
  • The GOP package (H.R. 3938) also contains proposals that would repeal some clean energy provisions from the Inflation Reduction Act (H.R. 5376), including electric vehicle tax credits, clean energy production, and investment tax credits.

Prospects for Passage

House Ways and Means Committee hearing

  • The Ways and Means proposal may pass through committee—and possibly pass the Republican-majority House—but such a package faces steep obstacles in the Democrat-controlled Senate and with the White House.   

The proposals are a good indication of the priorities that House Republicans will bring to any bipartisan economic policy negotiations as the year unfolds. 

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Bipartisan Legislation Reintroduced to Allow Greater REIT Equity Investments in Distressed Retail Tenants

Retail tenant distress

Bipartisan legislation reintroduced this week by House Ways and Means Committee Members Darin LaHood (R- IL) and Brad Schneider (D-IL) would allow real estate investment trusts (REITs) to make greater equity investments in retail tenants that have yet to recover from the pandemic’s economic impact. 

Support for Retail Tenant Assistance

  • The Retail Revitalization Act (H.R. 3749) is aimed at unlocking capital for productive investment and helping prevent further large-scale job losses and bankruptcies in the retail sector and its supply chain. (Congressional Record, May 30)
  • As of May 5, ten major retailers had filed for bankruptcy protection in 2023. The number of retail failures, which includes Bed Bath & Beyond, David’s Bridal, and Party City, is already twice the level of 2022. More bankruptcies are anticipated. (Forbes, May 5 and Forbes, May 15)
  • Real Estate Roundtable President Jeffrey DeBoer stated, “The Retail Revitalization Act would reform an outdated section of our tax code that currently prevents the commercial real estate industry from stepping forward and deploying its own capital to solve significant economic challenges. Retail bankruptcies have negative consequences for employees, surrounding businesses, and local communities. This bipartisan legislation to allow REITs to invest more heavily in their tenants is exactly the type of cost-effective, commonsense measure that everyone can and should support. The bill will save jobs, increase local tax revenue, and create a stronger foundation for future economic growth.”

Amending REIT Rules

REITs - graphic

  • The LaHood-Schneider legislation—strongly supported by The Real Estate Roundtable—would modify tax provisions limiting REITs’ ability to invest equity capital in their retail tenants. The bill would amend existing “related-party rent” rules by:
    • increasing the capacity of a REIT to own the equity of a distressed tenant from 10% to 50% and from 10% to 30% for all other tenants;

    • changing the ownership attribution rules used to determine what is considered related party rent under current REIT rules to the general ownership attribution rules used elsewhere in the tax code, and;

    • changing the limitation on space that a REIT can lease to its taxable REIT subsidiary.

Tax Policymakers

  • House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO)Tax proposals such as H.R. 3749 and others will be discussed during TPAC, held in conjunction with The Roundtable’s all-member Annual Meeting on June 13-14 in Washington, DC. TPAC speakers will include:

    • House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO), above

    • House Ways and Means Committee Member Brad Schneider (D-IL)
    • Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Thomas Barthold
    • Senior staff from Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee

TPAC will also feature a panel session on “Post-Pandemic Real Estate Challenges and Tax Policy: Debt Workouts / Tax Incentives for Property Repurposing, Community Revitalization, and Housing.” All Roundtable members are encouraged to attend.

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Senate Republican Taxwriter Introduces Legislation to Permanently Extend 20% Pass-Through Income Deduction

Senate Finance Committee member Steve Daines (R-MT)

Yesterday, Senate Finance Committee member Steve Daines (R-MT) reintroduced legislation to make permanent the 20 percent deduction for pass-through business income (Section 199A), one of the cornerstone provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 that expires at the end of 2025. 

Deduction Sunset

  • House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO), who has long championed making Section 199A permanent, is anticipated to re-introduce the legislation in the House soon.
  • In 2017, Congress created the 20% deduction for pass-through business income to avoid putting businesses organized as partnerships, S corporations (S corps), and real estate investment trusts (REITs) at a competitive disadvantage relative to large C corporations (C corps).

  • Section 199A is scheduled to sunset on Dec. 31, 2025 as businesses continue to recover from post-pandemic price hikes, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions.

Section 199A Permanency 

Coalition letter on Section 199A legislation

    • The Real Estate Roundtable and a coalition of more than 145 business organizations sent a letter yesterday to Sen. Daines in support of the bill. (Coalition letter, May 18)
    • The letter notes that the bill “would provide certainty to the millions of S corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships that rely on the Section 199A deduction to remain competitive both here and overseas.”

    • Previously, The Roundtable and other stakeholders supported congressional efforts in 2021 to make the pass-through deduction permanent. (Coalition letter, Feb. 26, 2021 and Tax Notes, March 1, 2021)

    While House Republicans are expected to introduce an economic growth package in the coming weeks that includes tax cuts, it is unclear whether the bill will address provisions such as Section 199A that are not scheduled to expire until the end of 2025. 

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    President’s Budget Reignites Congressional Debate on Taxing Assets at Death

    Capitol at sunset

    Congressional policymakers this week focused on two tax policy proposals included in President Biden’s FY2024 budget that could adversely affect family-owned real estate businesses—eliminating the step-up in the basis of assets at death and imposing new restrictions on the use of grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs) and grantor trusts. (Roundtable Weekly, March 10 and Treasury’s “Green Book” description of the President’s revenue proposals, March 9)

    Step-up in Basis

    • The White House budget plan once again includes a proposal to eliminate the step-up in basis of real estate and other assets at death.  The budget would replace step-up with a new policy that subjects the decedent’s appreciated assets to capital gains tax at death, in addition to potential estate tax liability.  The tax on unrealized, built-in gains would apply even when the decedent and the heir have no intention or desire to sell the property.
    • On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of Representatives led by Rep. Tracey Mann (R-KS) and Jim Costa (D-CA) introduced House Resolution 237 expressing support for retaining stepped-up basis.  Cosponsored by 63 members of Congress (4 Dem., 58 Rep.), the resolution notes that stepped-up basis is “a crucial component of many family farms and small business succession plans.” (BGov and Rep. Mann news release, March 21)
    • In 2021, a study by EY commissioned by the Family Business Estate Tax Coalition with support from The Real Estate Roundtable found that repealing stepped-up basis and taxing unrealized gains at death would result in reduced job growth, lower wages, and a reduction in GDP of roughly $10 billion per-year.

    Grantor Trusts

    FY2023 Budget Cover

    • The President’s budget again proposes major tax increases on grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs) and grantor trusts that the administration estimates would raise $65 billion over 10 years.
    • GRATs and grantor trusts are frequently used to facilitate the continuation of family-owned businesses from one generation to the next, particularly in capital-intensive industries like real estate that can involve significantly appreciated assets.
    • On Monday, four Democratic Senators—Elizabeth Warren (MA), Bernie Sanders (VT), Chris Van Hollen (MD), and Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)—wrote to Treasury Secretary Yellen urging her to use her regulatory authority to “limit the ultra-wealthy’s abuse of trusts to avoid paying taxes.” The letter includes eight specific recommendations, including the reissuance of family limited partnership regulations that address the use of valuation discounts. (Tax Notes, March 22)
    • In 2017, The Real Estate Roundtable and others commissioned a study by Dr. Robert Shapiro, former Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, analyzing the economic impact of a proposed regulation to limit valuation discounts for family businesses. The study concluded the limits could cost 106,000 jobs and $150 billion in GDP over 10 years. The study followed formal Roundtable written comments submitted in 2016—and oral testimony highly critical of the proposal by Roundtable Tax Policy Advisory Committee Member Stef Tucker.

    The White House FY2024 budget revenue proposals will be discussed during the Roundtable’s Spring Meeting on April 24-25 in Washington, DC (Roundtable-level members only.)

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    Coalition Urges Treasury to Exempt Unrealized Gains from New Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax

    IRS logoA coalition of trade organizations that includes The Real Estate Roundtable asked the IRS yesterday to issue regulatory guidance clarifying that unrealized gains and losses are not subject to tax under the new corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT). Enacted under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, CAMT levies a 15% minimum tax on the adjusted financial statement income (book income) of certain large corporate taxpayers. (Coalition letter, March 15)

    CAMT Implementation

    • Starting this year, the CAMT applies to firms with an average of $1 billion or more in profits in any three-year period and to foreign-parented U.S. firms with profits of over $100 million if the aggregated foreign group has over $1 billion in profits. Congress expressly exempted REITs from the tax. (Congressional Research Service, Jan. 19, 2023)

    • The coalition’s comments respond to a Dec. 27, 2022 IRS Notice (2023-7) that states Treasury may issue future guidance intended “to help avoid substantial unintended adverse consequences” from the interaction of mark-to-market accounting and the CAMT. Congress granted the Treasury Secretary substantial regulatory authority to implement the new tax. (Debevoise & Plimpton, Jan. 3 and Gibson Dunn, Jan. 6)

    Coalition Weighs In CAMT letter - image

    • The coalition, which includes the American Investment Council, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and others, emphasized in its comments that providing a comprehensive exclusion for unrealized gains and losses that are marked-to-market for book purposes would be consistent with the legislative intent of the CAMT—and Congress’s rejection of prior proposals to tax unrealized gains.

    • The coalition’s comments note that Treasury’s clarification would help avoid a patchwork of unprincipled and ad hoc rules that leave certain categories of unrealized gains and losses subject to tax. The result could distort investment decisions, create a disincentive for taxpayers to elect fair value accounting, and force taxpayers to sell real estate and other assets or borrow money to pay their taxes.

    The Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) and its partner organizations will continue to work with federal regulators on the CAMT guidance to prevent the unintended taxation of unrealized real estate gains and losses.

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    President Biden’s FY2024 Budget Aims to Raise Taxes on Real Estate, Capital Formation, and Investment

    FY2023 Budget Cover

    The Biden administration yesterday proposed a $6.9 trillion FY2024 budget that includes $3 trillion in deficit reduction and $2.2 trillion in tax increases over the next decade on corporations, high-earning households, and certain business activities, including real estate investment. (White House budget materials and Treasury Department news release)

    Blueprint for Negotiations

    • Real Estate Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer said, “Congress has rejected several of these same tax proposals in the past. In particular, Congress has said no to proposals to double the capital gains rate, tax gains reinvested in property of a like-kind, or taxing unrealized gains. We will strongly urge that these counter-productive proposals again be rejected. They have weak policy support, are poorly timed and quite risky given the current uncertain economy.”
    •  Of note for real estate:
      • Capital Gains Rate
        The top, combined tax rate on long-term capital gains would nearly double from 23.8% (20% + 3.8% net investment income tax) to 44.6%. This results from increasing the maximum capital gains rate from 20% to 39.6% and a new proposal to increase the net investment income tax from 3.8% to 5%.
      • Mark-to-Market Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains
        The FY 2024 budget carries over President Biden’s proposal from last year, imposing a retroactive, annual minimum tax of 25% on the income and unrealized gains of taxpayers with wealth (assets minus liabilities) exceeding $100M.
      • Real Estate Professionals
        The budget also carries over a proposal to extend the 3.8% net investment income tax to real estate professionals and other pass-through business owners who are currently exempt from the tax because they are active in their business.

    Tax ProposalsChicago cityscape sky view

    • Other real estate-related tax proposals include:
      • Taxing carried interest as ordinary income
      • Limiting the deferral of gain from like-kind exchanges
      • Increasing the top tax rate on ordinary income to $39.6%
      • Ending step-up in basis and taxing unrealized capital gains at death
      • Expanding the limitation on excess business losses for non-corporate taxpayers by converting the limitation from a 1-year deferral to a permanent compartmentalization of active pass-through losses
      • Modifying tax rules for grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs) and grantor trusts
      • Recapturing and taxing real estate depreciation deductions at ordinary income tax rates
    • The budget also devotes $59 billion to provisions aimed at increasing the supply and availability of affordable housing, as well as $10 billion “to incentivize State, local, and regional jurisdictions to make progress in removing barriers to affordable housing developments, such as restrictive zoning.” Tax incentives in the budget include an expansion of the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) and a new tax credit for the development of affordable, owner-occupied housing.

    These tax issues and other policies affecting CRE will be discussed during The Roundtable’s Spring Meeting on April 24-25 in Washington.

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    Roundtable, Trade Organizations Urge Treasury to Withdraw FIRPTA Regulatory Proposal

    The Real Estate Roundtable and 16 other trade organizations weighed in this week against a proposed IRS rule that would expand the reach of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) of 1980.

    Retroactive Rewrite

    • On December 29, Treasury and the IRS released proposed regulations that would redefine what constitutes a domestically controlled REIT and impose capital gains taxes, through FIRPTA, on investment structures that taxpayers have used for decades when planning real estate and infrastructure investments in the United States.
    • For purposes of FIRPTA and the exemption for domestically controlled REITs, the proposed look-through rule would no longer treat a taxpaying U.S. C corporation (that is a shareholder of a REIT) as a U.S. person if more than 25% of the owners of the C corporation are foreign. The result would be that many REITs previously exempt from FIRPTA would be thrust, retroactively, into the discriminatory tax regime.

    Industry Response

    • On Monday, The Roundtable, Nareit, American Investment Council, Managed Funds Association, and ICSC submitted detailed comments to Treasury urging withdraw of the proposed look-through rule. The organizations wrote that the rule would “reverse decades of well-settled tax law, severely misconstrue the statute, and contradict Congressional intent,” as well as potentially “impair real estate’s access to foreign capital at a critical economic juncture and undermine foreign investors’ confidence in the stability and predictability of U.S. tax rules.” (Letter to Treasury, Feb. 27)
    • On Wednesday, The Roundtable and 14 other real estate trade organizations wrote to the congressional tax-writing committees asking Members of Congress to encourage the Treasury Department and IRS to withdraw the rule, which could put property value, jobs, and communities at risk unnecessarily. (Letter to congressional tax committees, March 1)
    • Treasury’s regulatory package also included favorable final rules regarding the FIRPTA foreign pension fund exemption and a helpful proposal related to real estate investments and the tax exemption for foreign governments.

    The principal drafters of the Treasury comment letter were Roundtable Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) members David Levy (Weil Gotshal) and David Polster (Skadden), as well as Nickolas Gianou (Skadden). TPAC members also met virtually with Treasury officials on February 15 to discuss the proposed regulation. TPAC will remain active and engaged with the administration on this issue as the process unfolds.

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    House Republicans Reintroduce Bill to Make TCJA Deductions and SALT Cap Permanent

    House Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL)Tax provisions affecting individuals and small businesses originally enacted as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017—along with the state and local tax (SALT) deduction cap—would be made permanent under legislation reintroduced this month by House Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL), above. (The Bond Buyer, Feb. 13 and Legislative Text)

    The TCJA Permanency Act

    • Buchanan’s bill (H.R.976) includes a Roundtable-supported provision to make permanent the 20 percent deduction for qualified pass-through business income (Section 199A). The legislation would also permanently lower tax rates for individuals and families and maintain the higher standard deduction.
    • There are currently 83 co-sponsors of The TCJA Permanency Act. Buchanan has led five of the six Ways and Means Subcommittees and currently sits on the Joint Committee on Taxation, a small group of the most senior tax policy writers in Congress. (Buchanan news release, Feb. 13)
    • Without Congressional action, 23 different provisions of the 2017 Republican tax law are set to expire after 2025, including the SALT deduction cap. Buchanan originally filed legislation to make the TCJA cuts permanent last September during the Democratic-controlled 117th Congress.
    • Buchanan stated that funding for the Federal Aviation Administration could be a legislative vehicle to attach the TCJA bill, since no major standalone tax bills are expected this year. (BGov, Feb. 23)

    SALT Caucus Relaunched

    SALT Caucus 2023

    • ​More than 20 members of the House relaunched the SALT Caucus this month as part of their push to repeal the $10,000 cap limit on the federal deduction for state and local taxes. (News conference video, Feb. 8 and Tax Notes, Feb. 9)
    • The cap is scheduled to sunset after 2025, but SALT caucus members want relief sooner while pledging to fight attempts to extend the cap. (Rep. Gottheimer news release, Feb. 9)
    • “I like the odds of having a bunch of new Republicans from states that need to restore SALT,” said SALT Caucus Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ). “So if you want to talk, this is the caucus to talk to to get this done, to restore SALT and make life more affordable.” (Roll Call, Feb. 8)

    More than 30 states and local jurisdictions have enacted a SALT workaround for pass-through businesses, S-corporations, and some LLCs. (CNBC video Feb. 13)

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