Roundtable Welcomes New Study Quantifying Vast Economic Benefits of β€œLike-Kind” Property Exchanges

(WASHINGTON) The Real Estate Roundtable welcomes today’s release of an economic study that quantifies the vast economic benefits of “like-kind” property exchanges (authorized under Section 1031 of the U.S. tax code), while illustrating the unintended negative economic impacts of proposals to scale back or repeal this nearly 100-year-old tax provision.

Drs. David Ling (University of Florida) and Milena Petrova (Syracuse University), who co-authored the study —“The Economic Impact of Repealing or Limiting Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges in Real Estate” — based their findings on more than 1.6 million real estate transactions spanning 18 years (1997-2014) and totaling $4.8 trillion (unadjusted for inflation).

“The new Ling-Petrova study demonstrates how critical like-kind exchanges are to the health and vibrancy of real estate activity in the United States,” said Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer. As he explained, “Acquiring and improving commercial real estate requires large amounts of capital, and section 1031 helps real estate businesses grow and expand organically — with less debt. In short, like-kind exchanges allow property owners to put more of their earnings back into the private sector — hiring workers, upgrading and improving properties, and generating much-needed economic activity.”

Like-kind exchange rules allow taxpayers to defer tax when they exchange one property held for investment or business use for other property of a “like kind.” They also contribute to a more dynamic real estate sector by eliminating potential “lock-in” effects (particularly in the case of less-productive assets).

Such exchanges, thus, foster increased investment and reinvestment activity; allow real estate owners to better allocate resources; and decrease debt levels in commercial and multifamily real estate transactions. Additionally, “1031 exchanges” help to safeguard property values — which underlie local government budgets across the country — and help to protect tenants by stabilizing rents.

In a letter to congressional tax-writers in March, The Roundtable and coalition partners asserted, “There is strong economic rationale for the like-kind exchange provision’s nearly 100-year existence in the Code. Limitation or repeal of section 1031 would deter and, in many cases, prohibit continued and new real estate and capital investment.”

As the coalition explained, like-kind exchanges:
  • are integral to the efficient operation and ongoing vitality of thousands of American businesses, which in turn strengthen the U.S. economy and create jobs.
  • facilitate taxpayers’ ability to exchange a property for more-productive property; to diversify or consolidate holdings; and to transition to meet changing business needs.
  • are used by companies large and small in a wide range of industries, using different kinds of business structures.

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Roundtable, Coalition Partners Urge FIRPTA Reform as House Tax-Writers Seek Multi-Year Infrastructure Funding Solutions

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — In conjunction with a House Ways & Means Committee hearing today exploring long-term funding solutions for the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) — whose latest funding “patch” expires July 31 — The Real Estate Roundtable and a coalition of business and labor organizations urged reform of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) as a “simple, cost-effective” way to “galvanize billions in new private capital for investment in U.S. transportation and infrastructure.”

In a letter submitted for the hearing record, the coalition said the 1980 law “is a major hurdle for the foreign investor seeking to invest in US infrastructure projects.” It also characterized FIRPTA as a “punitive,” “anti-competitive” law that “subjects foreign investment in U.S. real estate or infrastructure to a much higher tax burden than applies to a foreign investor purchasing a U.S. stock or bond, or an investment in any other asset class.”  In some cases, the FIRPTA tax burden is as high as 54.5 percent. [A similar letter is being submitted to Senate tax-writers in conjunction with their scheduled HTF hearing tomorrow.]

In the view of The Roundtable and its coalition partners, any long-term HTF funding bill should include FIRPTA reforms such as those in H.R. 2128 — legislation introduced by Ways and Means Committee members Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Joseph Crowley (D-NY). The “Real Estate Investment and Jobs Act of 2015” would increase (from 5 percent to 10 percent) the ownership stake that a foreign investor can have in a U.S. publicly traded REIT without triggering FIRPTA liability (extending this provision to certain collective investment vehicles); and exempt foreign tax-exempt pension funds from FIRPTA altogether. 

“By providing relief from FIRPTA, the Brady-Crowley bill will spur domestic real estate investment, create jobs and help provide the capital we need to rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure,” said Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey D. DeBoer. Since the bill’s re-introduction in April, 31 (of 39) Ways & Means Committee members have signed on as co-sponsors.

Earlier this year, the Senate Finance Committee unanimously passed legislation (S. 915) that contains a significant part of what The Roundtable and its coalition partners are seeking, in terms of FIRPTA reform. Also illustrating the strong bipartisan support for FIRPTA reform, the full House cleared similar legislation in 2010 by a vote of 402-11. 

Because of the close connection between FIRPTA and infrastructure investment, the Administration included a FIRPTA reform proposal in its 2013 Rebuild America infrastructure initiative, and in its last three budget submissions to Congress.