Solutions to Tackle the Affordable Housing Crisis

While recent rate cuts from the Federal Reserve are providing relief for both CRE and housing markets, the affordability crisis remains at the forefront of policy debates in Washington.

Roundtable Housing Priorities

  • Sustained recovery and resolution of the affordability crisis will require continued policy reform, increased housing supply, and greater collaboration between public and private sectors. (Roundtable Weekly, Sept. 27)
  • The Roundtable continues to advocate for housing policies that:
  • Streamline Permitting and Zoning: Simplify permitting and zoning processes to reduce delays in housing projects.
  • Promote Modular Construction: Encourage modular construction to accelerate the production of new housing supply.
  • Strengthen Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaboration between public and private sectors to support innovative construction methods.
  • Expand Housing Incentives: Advocate for expanding the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC), improving the real estate-related clean energy tax provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, and introducing new incentives for the conversion of obsolete commercial buildings into affordable housing. (Roundtable Weekly, Oct. 4)
  • Housing policy has become a central issue in the 2024 presidential campaigns as well. (Associated Press, Aug. 27)
  • Vice President Kamala Harris has proposed $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time buyers and expanding federal funds to streamline local zoning laws and build 3 million homes.
  • Former President Donald Trump countered with plans to reduce housing demand by restricting illegal immigration and opening federal land for housing development while opposing policies that promote urban densification, arguing they harm suburban property values.

Alternative Housing Solutions

  • Property Conversions: The conversion of underutilized and often vacant buildings offers a tremendous opportunity to improve the built environment and uplift a surrounding locality.
  • Modular Housing: A recent survey from The Amherst Group shows that Americans are warming up to modular housing as an alternative solution to the ongoing housing supply shortage. Nearly 90% of respondents find modular homes appealing, and four out of five (81%) would consider living in one themselves.
  • With 71% of respondents interested in seeing more alternative housing types in their neighborhoods, modular homes could play a key role in expanding housing supply. (News Release, Oct. 8)
  • Roundtable member and Amherst Chairman, CEO and CIO Sean Dobson emphasized the potential of modular housing:  “While the offsite construction process has been around for decades, it has yet to be adopted as a mainstream way to generate high-quality housing supply at scale. As a result, homebuilding remains overdue for disruption and innovation. Amid ongoing supply constraints in the U.S., we think modular construction is an important part of the solution.” (News Release, Oct. 8)

The Roundtable encourages policymakers to support federal incentives for affordable housing and zoning reforms to streamline housing development. These measures can help ensure that high-quality, affordable options, such as modular homes, are available to meet rising demand.

Reports Show Single-Family Rentals Increase Housing Availability, Drive Educational Advancement

Recent studies show major investments that grow the single-family rental (SFR) market increase housing supplies for low-income and middle-class households, and create more educational opportunities for families with improved access to quality school districts.

Positive SFR Research

  • A report released last month by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) highlights the positive impact of major SFR investors in the aftermath of the 2007—2009 financial crisis. Large investors leveraged capital and technology to convert foreclosed homes into rentals, stabilizing neighborhoods and increasing housing availability. (GAO Report Highlights | Full GAO Report)
  • Another study out of UNC Charlotte, also released in May, finds that children from low- and moderate-income households see improved achievements in school when they rent single-family homes in neighborhoods where they cannot afford to buy.  (UNC Study Highlights | Full UNC Report)

Key Findings

  • Market Stabilization: The GAO explained that institutional investors bought foreclosed homes in bulk, converting them into rental properties, during the Great Financial Crisis. This helped stabilize neighborhoods and increased home values.
  • Technological Efficiency: Advanced digital platforms and online management tools enabled investors to efficiently manage large property portfolios, improving tenant experiences and reducing costs, according to the GAO.
  • Improved Housing Stock: Larger equity investors were able to underwrite substantial repairs and renovations to the units they purchase, “the cost of which is out of reach for many homebuyers,” according to a study cited by GAO.
  • Educational Achievement: According to the UNC-Charlotte study, “low-income parents [are] taking advantage of these newly available rental units” and “their children are experiencing substantial achievement gains from attending high-performing schools.”

Clear SFR Benefits

  • Expanding the supply of housing across the geographic and economic spectrum is essential for the nation’s economic vitality.
  • Large-scale SFR investments have helped revitalize distressed properties and communities, contributing to economic growth and stability.
  • “Changing lifestyles are driving people to seek more flexible housing options that also provide better education opportunities without the long-term financial commitment of homeownership. Large-scale single-family rental businesses are responding to meet this demand,” said Jeffrey DeBoer, Roundtable President and CEO.
  • As American households increasingly turn to the rental market for housing, a strong housing finance system should support homeowners and aid the expansion of affordable rental housing.

The Roundtable’s Annual Meeting on June 20-21 in Washington, DC, will feature discussions regarding the policies needed to help expand the supply of affordable and workforce housing.

House Committee Passes Roundtable-Supported Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act

House Financial Services Committee

Yesterday, the House Financial Services Committee passed the bipartisan Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act, which would help eliminate discriminatory land use policies and remove barriers to production of affordable housing. The Roundtable and 17 other national organizations submitted a letter of strong support for the bill the day before the committee mark-up. (Coalition letter, May 15 | Committee news release and video of committee mark-up, May 16)

Affordable Housing

  • The YIMBY Act (H.R. 3507) requires recipients of certain federal grants to submit public reports about their implementation of certain land-use policies, such as policies for expanding high-density single-family and multifamily zoning. The reports must detail how federal grant recipients are removing discriminatory land use policies and other barriers to constructing affordable housing, while promoting inclusive and affordable housing.
  • Committee Chairman Patrick McHenry (R-NC) expressed his support for the legislation during the May 16 mark-up. Previously, the YIMBY Act passed the House without opposition in 2020 but stalled in the Senate (S. 1688).

Roundtable Support

  • The Real Estate Roundtable and 21 other national organizations also expressed their strong support for the bipartisan bill in February to the House Financial Services Committee (Coalition letter, Feb. 20, 2024)
  • The Roundtable joined another coalition of 285 housing, business, and municipal organizations last year in a letter of support when the YIMBY Act was reintroduced. (Roundtable Weekly, May 26, 2023 and coalition letter)
  • Separately, the Wall Street Journal (Feb. 20, 2024) reported that community opposition to new projects is not just restricted to housing developments. E-Commerce hubs are also “increasingly contending with a headache” of NIMBY sentiments, as developers of warehouse and logistics properties face the conundrum of siting projects that are necessary to deliver goods to residents and consumers. (“Don’t Build That E-Commerce Warehouse in My Backyard, More Communities Say”)   

Next week, a House Energy Subcommittee will hold a hearing on “Green Building Policies: Jeopardizing the American Dream of Homeownership.” The May 22 hearing will focus on excessive regulations that constrict housing supply, including a recent Biden administration “final determination” that all new single- and multifamily homes financed with federal mortgages must be built to stringent “model energy codes.”  (Roundtable Weekly, May 3)

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Roundtable and Industry Coalition Urge Congress to Enact Affordable Housing Policies and Incentives

Housing Coalition April 29, 2024 joint letter to Congress

This week, The Real Estate Roundtable and a broad real estate industry coalition encouraged lawmakers to pursue bipartisan solutions that would increase the supply of affordable and market-rate housing through specific policies and programs to help communities meet their housing challenges. (Coalition letter, April 29)

Legislation and Programs

  • The coalition letter to Congress and the Biden administration detailed policy solutions to help develop and preserve housing at all price points by enacting industry-supported bills in the House and Senate, encouraging incentive-based programs, streamlining regulatory burdens, and supporting public-private partnerships.
  • The specific proposals detailed in the letter will work best when paired with state and local government policies to meet the demand for rental homes.
  • Specific policies outlined in the letter would streamline and fast-track the entitlement and approval process; provide density bonuses and other incentives for developers to include workforce units in their properties; and enable “by-right” zoning and create more fully entitled parcels.
  • Other programs and bills defer taxes and other fees for a set period of time; lower construction costs by contributing underutilized buildings and raw land; create incentives to encourage higher density development near job and transportation hubs; and expand and strengthen the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. Legislation would also encourage Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY) policies to remove discriminatory land use policies and other barriers that depress housing production.
  • Among the key bills strongly supported by the coalition are the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S.1557 & H.R.3238), Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act (S.3425 & H.R.6686), and Revitalizing Downtowns Act (S. 2511 & H.R.419). 
  • The coalition expects the Opportunity Zones program to spur the production of new multifamily housing, but to maximize its effectiveness, the industry groups recommend Congress revitalize and enhance Opportunity Zones to incentivize rehabilitation of housing units.

Biden Administration Proposals

The White House
  • The coalition described the Biden Administration’s Housing Supply Action Plan as a thoughtful proposal that rightly acknowledges that there is no single solution to the housing shortage. The letter also expressed support for several proposals included in the President’s FY25 federal budget proposal, including proposals to expand and enhance the LIHTC, the Neighborhood Homes Credit, and increased funding for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program.
  • However, the coalition also urged Congress to reject certain tax proposals included in the administration’s FY25 budget, such as increases in the capital gains rate. These policies would directly impact the operations of housing providers, as most are structured as “flow-through” entities where earnings are passed through to owners who pay taxes at the individual level. The tax increases under consideration would reduce real estate investment and inhibit the capital flows that are so critical to the development and preservation of critically needed housing. 

It is unlikely that new housing or tax-related legislation will be enacted before the November presidential election. Proposals now under consideration may have better opportunities for advancement in a post-election lame-duck session or during a new Congress in 2025.

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Senate Finance Committee Chair Aims to Include Workforce Housing Tax Incentive in 2024 Tax Package

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR)

The Roundtable and 12 other national real estate organizations wrote to congressional tax writers on Dec. 8 in strong support of the Workforce Housing Tax Credit (WHTC) Act (S. 3436), which would create a new tax incentive aimed at increasing the supply of moderate-income rental housing. The Senate’s top tax writer, Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR), above, said this week that there is a “real window of opportunity” to pass bipartisan housing legislation in the coming months that could be folded into a possible 2024 tax package. (WHTC bill summary, Dec. 7 | Coalition letter, Dec. 8 | Wyden’s Senate floor remarks, Dec. 12 | Tax Notes, Dec. 13)

Affordable Housing Tax Credits

  • Sen. Wyden told Tax Notes that housing tax credits “will be part of the discussions we’ll have to have” with House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) as they discuss elements for a possible tax package in the new year.
  • The Senate Finance Committee Chairman also commented on the Senate floor about his introduction last week of the WHTC Act (S. 3436) with Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AL), Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) and Rep. Mike Carey (R-OH). “Our bipartisan proposal, based largely on the success of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) would help spur a juggernaut of new housing construction,” Wyden said. (Video of floor remarks | Roundtable Weekly, Dec. 8)
  • Led by the National Multifamily Housing Council, the Dec. 8 industry coalition letter stated, “We believe that the Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act will only serve to complement the LIHTC.” The organizations emphasized that the WHTC would spur the development of housing targeted to renter households who face affordability challenges yet are ineligible for federal subsidies.


  • The WHTC would build on the successful LIHTC by enabling state housing agencies to issue similar tax credits to developers for the construction or rehabilitation of income-capped rental housing. (One-page Senate Finance Committee summary and WHTC bill text)
  • WHTC credits could be used to build affordable housing for tenants between 60% and 100% of the area median income, or transferred to the State’s LIHTC allocation for housing aimed at lower-income tenants (generally below 60% of area median income). (Congressional Research Service summary of the LIHTC, April 26)
  • Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer stated, “Tax policy should support and encourage private sector investment that boosts the supply of affordable and workforce housing. The Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act would build on time-tested tax incentives like the low-income housing tax credit and further facilitate the conversion of underutilized, existing buildings to housing. We welcome this positive step forward for our nation’s housing supply.” (Roundtable Weekly, Dec. 8)
  • In the House this week, Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-CA), reintroduced the Rent Relief Act of 2023, which would create a new tax credit for renters of a personal residence to cover part of the gap between 30 percent of their income and actual rent. Tax Notes, Dec. 13)

Rep. Gomez told Tax Notes this week that House tax writers hope to include the rent relief bill, along with Gomez’ Revitalizing Downtowns Act (H.R. 419) in bipartisan discussions about a potential tax package. H.R. 419 would provide an investment tax credit for 20 percent of the cost of converting office buildings to other uses.  (Rep. Gomez news releases, July 28 and Dec. 12 | news release, Dec. 12 | Roundtable Weekly, Aug. 11)

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Senate, House Bills Introduced to Spur Workforce Housing Development

Bills introduced yesterday in the Senate and House would create a new tax incentive aimed at increasing the supply of moderate-income rental housing. The legislation seeks to expand the construction and rehabilitation of housing for middle-class families and young people starting their careers, while enabling workers to live in communities where they are employed. (Senate Finance Committee news release and bill summary, Dec. 7)

Workforce Housing Tax Credit

  • Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, (D-OR) and Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AL), along with Reps. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) and Mike Carey (R-OH), introduced the bipartisan Workforce Housing Tax Credit (WHTC) Act to build on the successful Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) by enabling state housing agencies to issue tax credits to developers, which would subsequently be sold to investors. (1-page Senate Finance committee summary and WHTC bill text)
  • WHTC credits could be used to build affordable housing for tenants between 60% and 100% of area median income, or transferred to LIHTC for tenants generally below 60% of area median income. (Congressional Research Service summary of the LIHTC, April 26)
  • State housing finance agencies could allocate WHTC credits to developers through a competitive process. The tax credits could also be provided to developers with a 15-year compliance period and 30-year extended commitment.  (Committee summary)

Roundtable Support

  • The Roundtable strongly supports the WHTC. Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer stated, “Tax policy should support and encourage private sector investment that boosts the supply of affordable and workforce housing. The Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act would build on time-tested tax incentives like the low-income housing tax credit and further facilitate the conversion of underutilized, existing buildings to housing. We welcome this positive step forward for our nation’s housing supply.”

The Roundtable’s Real Estate Capital Policy Advisory Committee (RECPAC) has formed an Affordable Housing Working Group, which is working with the Research Committee to develop proposals on expanding the nation’s housing infrastructure.

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Real Estate Industry Urges FHFA to Avoid Linking New Regulations to GSE Financing

FHFA logo

The Roundtable and an industry coalition recently submitted separate comments in response to a Request for Input from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) on multifamily properties with mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises). The letters encourage the FHFA to remain focused on the Enterprises’ stated mission “to serve as a reliable source of liquidity and funding for housing finance and community investment.” The industry comments also raise concerns about the FHFA imposing counterproductive property restrictions, such as rent control, on multifamily properties backed by loans from the Enterprises. (Roundtable comments, July 28 and Industry coalition comments, July 31)

Industry Solutions

  • The Roundtable’s comments encouraged the FHFA—the regulator and conservator of the Enterprises—to focus on its pivotal role in America’s housing finance market by maintaining Enterprise support of the multifamily affordable housing market, particularly for low-income households. The letter noted that the imposition of counterproductive restrictions on Enterprise-backed financing and private rental housing providers would lead to less investment and development in the affordable housing market, especially during this time of market uncertainty.
  • The Roundtable letter expressed support for measures to:
    • Enhance the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC);
    • Support initiatives that explicitly tie federal funding of infrastructure and other federal funding for “green” initiatives to local assurances to improve exclusionary zoning;
    • Reduce regulatory costs, including a broad range of fees, standards and other requirements imposed at different stages of the development and construction process; and,
    • Stabilize the GSEs to ensure appropriate liquidity in mortgage markets.
  • The Roundtable’s July 28 letter also noted the important role of institutional investors as a source of capital for affordable housing. The comments emphasized how FHFA should not disincentivize this important source of capital for expanding the housing infrastructure.

Coalition Comments

FHFA RFI response coalition graphic

  • The real estate coalition’s July 31 letter reiterated that the best way to help the nation’s renters find affordable housing is to keep the Enterprises focused on financing housing creation. The real estate organizations note that rental housing is already a heavily regulated industry that should not be subject to a one-size-fits-all set of new “protections” that conflict with the unique housing needs of individual markets.  
  • National Multifamily Housing Council President Sharon Wilson Géno said, “When we have market dynamics like we do now, where we have really high interest rates and difficulty accessing capital, the GSEs are even more important. If they start putting mandatory restrictions and rent caps on their products, people are going to go back into that private market at higher cost, and that’s going to increase rent and decrease affordability.” (PoliticoPro, Aug. 1)

This week, Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and 17 Senate Democrats also responded to the FHFA by supporting rent increase limits and other tenant measures on properties with federally backed loans from the GSEs. (Senate Banking Committee letter, Aug. 1)

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Office-to-Residential Conversions Part of New Biden Plan to Increase Energy-Efficient, Affordable Housing Supply

The White House

The Biden administration announced a new initiative yesterday to increase the energy-efficient affordable housing supply, including a multi-agency working group to “develop and advance federal funding opportunities” for commercial-to-residential reuse. (Reuters and HousingWire, July 27)

Support for Office Conversions

  • White House Chief Domestic Policy Adviser Neera Tanden said, “With high rates of commercial vacancies across the country, we see a tremendous opportunity for conversions to residential housing.” (PoliticoPro, July 27)
  • An administration statement listed a variety of new initiatives aimed at lowering housing costs and boosting supply that include:
    • Promoting commercial-to-residential conversion opportunities, particularly for affordable and zero emissions housing; 
    • Expanding financing for affordable, energy efficient and resilient housing; and,
    •  Reducing barriers to build housing such as restrictive and costly land use and zoning rules. 

Agency Actions 

HUD building in Washington, DC

  • HUD: Yesterday’s announcement included opportunities for localities that develop high-density zoning rules to apply for grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under a new “Pro-Housing” Program. This follows HUD’s release on Tuesday of new funds for research and policy guidance on economically viable office-to-residential conversions, with applications due by October 12. (HUD Press Release)
  • DOT: A similar grant program run by the Department of Transportation (DOT), “Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods,” will provide funds for planning and construction projects (primarily in disadvantaged communities) for transit-oriented affordable housing.
  • EPA: The White House also announced that the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, created by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will be available for energy efficiency building retrofits and commercial-to-residential conversions.
  • GSA: The White House statement advised that the General Services Administration (GSA) will launch an effort to identify under-utilized and surplus assets in the federal real estate portfolio that present the “best opportunities” for public-private partnership, commercial-to-residential projects.
  • DOE: Yesterday, the Department of Energy (DOE) released program and legal documents for $8.8 billion in rebates authorized by the IRA. State-level energy agencies will dole out federal rebates that can be used for high-efficiency appliances and electrification equipment installed in single-family homes and multifamily units, including measures in adaptive reuse projects

This week’s announcements follow commitments made by the Biden-Harris administration in its Housing Supply Action Plan, released in May 2022. That month, The Real Estate Roundtable and 18 other real estate organizations urged Congress to work with the Biden administration, housing providers, lenders, and other stakeholders to pursue bipartisan solutions to increase the nation’s supply of housing. (Coalition letter, May 23 and Roundtable Weekly, May 22) 

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Roundtable and Industry Coalitions Urge Congress to Act on Affordable Housing Measures

Affordable Housing Industry Coalition May 2023

The Real Estate Roundtable and 18 other real estate organizations urged Congress on May 23 to work with the Biden administration, housing providers, lenders, and other stakeholders to pursue bipartisan solutions to increase the nation’s supply of housing. (Coalition letter, May 23)

“Yes in My Backyard”

  • This week’s joint letter from the Housing Affordability Coalition detailed a wide range of legislative proposals and policy measures that lawmakers should immediately enact to address the nation’s housing affordability crisis.

  • The industry coalition supports legislation that would eliminate harmful land use policies, promote affordable housing near public transit, and support local government efforts to expand housing supply.

  • Separately, The Roundtable joined another coalition of 285 housing, business, and municipal organizations with a show of focused support for the bipartisan, bicameral Yes In My Back Yard (YIMBY) Act, reintroduced on May 18. (YIMBY Coalition letter)

  • The bill requires localities that receive certain federal HUD grants to submit a public report on whether they have local policies in place that remove exclusionary zoning tactics. Encouraging high-density development is “an essential first step in decreasing barriers to new housing of all price levels,” the YIMBY Act coalition letter states.

  • The YIMBY Act passed the House without opposition in 2020. It is championed in the Senate (S. 1688) by Todd Young (R-IN) and Brian Schatz (D-HI), and in the House (H.R. 3507) by Reps. Derek Kilmer (D-WA) and Mike Flood (R-NE). (YIMBY Act summary by Up for Growth)

Tax Measures

  • This week’s Housing Affordability Coalition letter encourages Congress to expand the low-income housing tax credit, create a new middle-income housing tax credit, and establish a dedicated tax incentive to promote the conversion of underutilized office and commercial buildings to rental housing.

  • The letter also supports tax measures that have not been reintroduced yet in the 118th Congress, including incentives to encourage neighborhood revitalization, accelerated depreciation of high-performance building equipment, and reduction of the basis increase necessary to qualify a multifamily rehabilitation project for Opportunity Zone purposes.

  • The industry coalition expressed support for the Biden administration’s proposed solutions such as its Housing Supply Action Plan and investments that are part of its FY2024 federal budget proposal. (Roundtable Weekly, May 22, 2022 and White House fact sheet, March 9, 2023)

On March 7, the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and National Apartment Association (NAA) offered joint testimony before a Senate Finance Committee hearing on “Tax Policy’s Role in Increasing Affordable Housing Supply for Working Families.” (Roundtable Weekly, March 10)

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Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Reform, Expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

Low income housing SFO residences

Bipartisan, bicameral legislation introduced last Thursday would significantly expand and improve the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC). The tax credit, strongly supported by The Real Estate Roundtable, subsidizes the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income tenants. 

Increasing Supply 

  • The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) would finance nearly two million affordable homes over the next 10 years. (Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition, 2023)
  • Led by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Todd Young (R-IN), along with Reps. Darin LaHood (R-IL) and Suzan DelBene (D-WA), the AHCIA (H.R. 3238 and S. 1557) has already garnered nearly 90 cosponsors.  
  • Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer said, “The low-income housing tax credit is a critical and well-designed tool that addresses a pressing issue throughout the country–the lack of affordable rental housing. LIHTC harnesses market forces and the power of the private sector to incentivize the construction and rehabilitation of affordable homes. Countless studies have demonstrated LIHTC’s cost-effectiveness. Inflation has taken a toll on working Americans, but Congress can help reduce the burden of high housing costs by passing the AHCIA reforms.”  
  • A March 7 Senate Finance Committee hearing showed bipartisan policymaker consensus on the need to increase the supply of affordable housing by expanding the LIHTC and other tax incentives. The National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and National Apartment Association (NAA), two key supporters of the AHCIA, offered joint testimony during the hearing. (Roundtable Weekly, March 10) 

AHCIA Provisions 

AHCIA summary

  • A summary of the AHCIA is available here. Among its many provisions, the legislation would:
    • Boost the allocation of low-income housing credits to states by restoring the temporary 12.5% increase enacted in 2018 (expired at the end of 2021) and phasing in a 50% increase in the LIHTC allocation cap over two years.
    • Lower the threshold of private activity bond financing—from 50 to 25%—required to trigger the maximum amount of 4% housing credits available to individual properties. 
  • The bill would also ensure that low-income housing credit projects that seek to maximize their energy efficiency through use of the section 179D commercial building deduction are not penalized by existing provisions of the law that reduce the basis of the development by the 179D deduction amount. 
  • While movement on LIHTC legislation is unlikely before the debt ceiling debate is resolved, the broad-based, bipartisan support for AHCIA could lead to Congressional action on the bill later in the year. (News – The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition)

 Domestic Content 

  • In related news, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a notice this week on “made in the USA” guidance that can increase clean energy tax credits. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) offers a “bonus” tax credit of up to 10%  for solar, wind, battery storage, and other projects that use iron, steel, and components manufactured in the U.S. (JD Supra, May 16) 

The “domestic content” notice provides initial guidance until the Treasury Department proposes rules on the subject. A fact sheet prepared by The Roundtable keeps track of various federal agency actions that implement IRA tax incentives of significance to the real estate sector.      

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