Congress should extend expiring tax incentives that promote investment and jobs in Opportunity Zones (OZs) as soon as possible, according to a letter to Congressional leaders from a diverse coalition of 22 organizations that includes The Real Estate Roundtable. (
Dec. 21, 2021 coalition letter)
OZ Tax Incentives Expiration
- Established in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, OZs mobilize capital for new businesses and economic activities in targeted, low-income areas. A significant share of OZ investment has gone towards productive real estate projects that create new, sustainable sources of local tax revenue and increase the supply of affordable and senior housing.
- Taxpayers that invest existing capital gains in a qualified opportunity fund are potentially eligible for tax benefits on both the prior gain and any gains that relate to the opportunity fund’s investments. However, the deadline for OZ investments to qualify for a partial capital gains exclusion with respect to gains that are deferred and rolled into an opportunity fund expired on December 31, 2021.
- Specifically, in order for an investor to qualify for a 10 percent step-up in the basis of a prior investment, the gain must be held in an opportunity fund for five years before it is recognized and tax. Under the OZ law, gains rolled into an opportunity fund are recognized at the end of 2026. Therefore, unless the gain was invested in an opportunity fund by then end of 2021, it will be taxed prior to meeting the five-year requirement.
- The coalition letter urges Congressional leaders to extend the 10 percent step-up deadline through the end of 2023 and the deferred gain recognition date until the end of 2028.
OZ Impact
- The coalition letter noted that the White House Council of Economic Advisors in 2020 estimated Opportunity Funds had raised $75 billion in private capital in the first two years following the incentives’ enactment. The Council also estimated this capital could lift one million people out of poverty and decrease poverty in OZs by 11 percent. (The Impact of Opportunity Zones: An Initial Assessment, Aug. 2020)
- More recently, the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimated that 6,000 opportunity funds with more than 18,000 partners or shareholders invested $29 billion in OZs in 2019. (GAO: Opportunity Zones: Data on Investment Activity)
OZ Program Improvements
- The coalition also supports congressional improvements to OZ tax incentives, such as enhanced information reporting, data collection, transparency, and lowering the substantial improvement threshold to cover a broader range of real estate rehabilitation and redevelopment projects.
- Congressional tax-writing committees have not taken up bipartisan legislative proposals to improve the OZ program.
The Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC)
will discuss the OZ tax incentives and other real estate-related tax policies during their next meeting on Jan. 26 in conjunction with The Roundtable’s State of the Industry business meeting.
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